Hard drive go BOOM

Yah, so I’ve had zero issues with my hard drive, but last night Nick decides to do some dvd ripping on my Mac. That intensive hard drive work revealed some serious issues with my hard drive. Since most of my work is online, I don’t use my hard drive as much as, say, someone who designs and saves all day or whatnot. My usage habits have been hiding some really fubar problems.

So, last night after Stormy leaves, I learn that my hard drive is barely alive and it was a miracle that Nick got all my shit off it. Big thanks to my Weasel for staying up late to babysit the data transfer. ::smooch::

I’m running off the backup drive today. I will get the menu job out on time. I’m damn glad it’s the only active project I have with all this shit going on.

My email client is completely hammered. It’s gonna take a lot of work to get that mess straightened out. I can still get email, of course, but my local client? I’ll probably toss most of the emails in there and start relatively fresh. If you’ve sent anything important between yesterday afternoon and 10am this morning, you might want to send it again just to be safe.

Yah, nice way to start the day: a dead hard drive, fucked up email and Aunt Flo! Wow, the trifecta. >:-(

Needless to say, you should probably just avoid me for a day or two.

::low growl in throat::