Universal Pushback

[UPDATE: I’m 65# thinner as of today, May 8 2017 and I am glad I finally took a stand. Sometimes you’ve got to say “What the fuck?” and just DO IT. :) UPDATE #2: I plateaued at 180#, size 12 jeans and I’m good with that. Coming up on 2 year anniversary and doing just great! May 10, 2018]

Steve King was right when he talked about the past “pushing back” when the characters in 11.23.63 tried to change history. I think the universe pushes back when you try to make big life changes, too.

Since I’ve made the decision to get gastric sleeve surgery – despite the cost (~$6000 NOPE, it cost about $5k including airfare!) and the bad timing (re: Nick’s job ending), SO much shit has started to happen. First, my body starts losing weight – 10# so far – for no reason. I’ve not changed a thing. Then we start getting busy with the arcade games. Then I get offered two jobs that I can’t take because of the surgery. Then my Honda’s clutch goes out and will cost me $1000-1400 to fix. Then the panic and anxiety start to kick in.

OK, universe, I get it. You don’t like change. Well, guess what? I DGAF. I’m doing the surgery. I’m getting my fucking body back. I’ve got xanax, motherfucker, so don’t fuck with me.

I WILL NOT BE SWAYED. I’ve already wasted 4 years of waffling and letting my fear of medical procedures take over. NO MORE. The flights are booked (trouble with those, too, fuck you Orbitz) and I’m waiting for the invoice to pay for the fucking surgery. DONE. No changing it now.

So, universe? EAT A BAG OF DICKS. I am not going to let you foil me. Not this time. You got more shit? BRING IT. I’m doing this and you can’t stop me. ::shakes fist at sky::