Bad news, good news

First the bad news:

Yet another indicator that this country is going to hell in a handbasket:
Supreme Court rules in favour of personal property seizures.

WTF? How in the hell could anyone think this is a good idea, especially the so-called liberals of the Supreme Court?? This is madness, total, complete madness. So, it’s now OK for a PRIVATE developer to waltz into a neighborhood and decide that it’d be best to seize private homes in order to build Mcmansions or a strip mall in the name of the “public good”?

I worry about the morons who are running this country. Isn’t there some way we could get rid of the WHOLE government and just start over? Couldn’t we give them all notice that we’re replacing them and then just do it? Starting with The Shrub, of course, then proceed with the rest of the executive branch, then the legislative branch, then the judicial branch. Let’s take a year and simply replace every last one of the idiotic, misguided, outdated old people who run this place and put in some new blood. Smart business people, diplomats, exemplary judges, independent legislators and others who have the desire to serve the rest of us. No parties, no lobbies, no bullshit special interests and no huge salaries, either.

Save your comments, I know this could never ever happen. Just let me have my fantasies, ok?

Now, the good news:

Our favourite L5P bar, The Vortex, has decided to become a BAR and allow smoking! There is an article in today’s AJC [article looong gone -ed.] about the new statewide smoking ban that is happening July 1st and The Vortex is mentioned for its avant garde policy of allowing ONLY 21 and up.

I’m ecstatic that The Vortex has stood up to the pressures of the government and the breeders and made a stand for those of us who don’t want brats in our neighborhood hang outs. Of course the breeders are whining about not being able to take their packs of sniveling brats into the Vortex to eat, but I’m so happy I could just KISS everyone at the Vortex. Those guys totally RAWK. I can’t wait to eat there on Monday and tell everyone how much I love them! I also can’t wait to fire up a smoke and savour the knowledge that there are people who truly will live as they please.

3 cheers for Michael Benoit, owner of the Vortex, for standing up to whiny breeders and government tyranny!!

3 Replies to “Bad news, good news”

  1. well, i’m with you 100% on the revolution – but sadly, i doubt even the tragic raping of property rights will not be enough to get the mouth breathers off the sofa. and i am SOOOOO disappointed in ruth bader ginsburg. i really expected better from her.

    on the smoking ban – i feel sorry for the 18-21 crowd. as if those limbo years weren’t bad enough… i still fail to see what makes it okay for the gum’t to nanny me. fuck you! i’ll smoke if i want to. (at home, with the deadbolt on and a towel under the door)

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