Knoxville Comic and Anime Con

It was an ok con. It’s the first one, so I didn’t have high expectations. It’s small, it’s in an out of the way place, it would be fine as a one day con. We did meet the dude who runs this con – AND he does the Nashville con, too. So we’ll probably go check out the Nashville con to see how it is. And as usual, we met some Atlanta people like we always do when we go to an out of town con. LOL It’s nice to make connections!

On the way back, Nick got popped outside of Chattanooga for going 75 in a 45…work zone. Yah, this one’s gonna hurt! I’m betting it’s $600. The cop wasn’t too dickish and didn’t harass us because we had the wrong insurance card on us. [Cop downgraded the ticket and it only cost about $200 if I recall. -A Dec 2015] I’m just glad it was Nick driving! I REALLY don’t need any more points! I’m sure I’m at the borderline now. The fabricated passing a school bus and running over little black children one and the wreck one should be gone soon. Then I’ll have the last one for “running” a stop sign. I rolled it, ok? Whatever. It was 7 fucking am.

Then after my poor Weasel getting all torqued up from the ticket, a trailer being pulled by a pickup had a tire explode in front of us and he almost ran my car under a Suburban. He, of course, denies this, but he also denies that he tailgates, too, so… (It’s an ongoing argument between us – it’s best to just nod and not take sides!) Needless to say, the Weasel was quite perturbed for the rest of the trip but we did get home in one piece. :)

That’s really all that’s going on. We’re going to a block party on Saturday and then doing Twain’s and Decatur fireworks on Sunday. I hope everyone has a wonderful Fourth!

Official Heroes Con post

For those of you who are not paying attention, Heroes was our first big con behind the table. It was STELLAR! We had the best time and met the most awesome people! I’ll put the pix in Gallery later today and I’ll add the link here.

Thursday load-in
We got in late (what else is new?) and schlepped our stuff to our table. We don’t have much stuff, so it was a quick job but it was hot and we were a sweaty mess afterward. We then adjourned to the room for showers and beer.

Friday: First day
Friday started off with a bit of stress. The Think Weasel! site was down again with database errors and we discovered that the Hilton network dunces had blocked our hardware from the network due to “excessive bandwidth usage” – riiiight, since the Mac was asleep all night. So we got the wifi sorted then got the site sorted and got to the con late. But it was ok since Friday was a bit slow. One big thing did happen: Michael Golden bought THREE TShirts from us!! SQUEEE!! That made the whole con, I tell ya!

We also met our booth block mates Jay Fife, Acid PopTart and fitness model Jamie Eason. We LOVE you guys!! I’m going to request that we get in the same block again next year! FUN!!

Our next door neighbors were Chris Hamer (Urbnpop) and Mike Groves. Both are tattoo boys who also do some awesome art here in the Atlanta area (Mike is in Athens).

Saturday & Sunday
Saturday is the big day at Heroes. It was busy and we met lots of awesome peeps! Shout outs to our fans Poindexter, Little John & Pat (@littlejohn312) and everyone who stopped by! Leave comments w/ your contact info, would ya?

We interviewed with Chuck Moore of Comic Related on Saturday. We adore the CR guys and we were so happy to be able to re-do our interview from last year! We had a blast, yo!

The Westin lobby was THE place to be last year, but they raised the prices about 30% this year so it was lame. $10 for wine, $15 for a mixed drink? Really? SHAME on you, Westin. They totally ruined the lobby party. Sad.

We also hung out with Karalynn and Crystalanna (I hope I spelled that right! I need your contact info!!), Chris Flick, Shelley & Mike, and Eric. Great to see everyone!

We made some new friends as well! Echo Chernik is one awesome and HAWT lady who makes truly beautiful art! We got Five Bar Swallowtail framed for our bedroom. I also got to meet Erika Moen who does (did, it has ended) the DAR webcomic. I fangirled her to death. Sorry, Erika! Don’t be afraid, I’m not a stalker!! :)

We intended to go to the BBQ meet n greet after the show on Sunday, but we were WIPED. We sat in the hotel, ordered room service and drank. We’ll try to attend next year, promise!

And for everyone I’m forgetting, please leave a comment and accept my apologies! Whew! We met a lot of people!

Heroes 2010 FTW! Can’t wait until next year! It really is the best con on the planet for comics. Seriously.

Critter Count: Con Nooga ’10

In accordance to our tradition, we present Critter Count from our journey last weekend. Very high numbers for such a short trip! (250 mi round trip)

All critters dead unless noted:
Critters 25
Road Pizza 17
Hawk 4
Dog 3
Shoes 4 (3 sneakers, 1 leather – a first!)
Deer 2
Beer Box 2 (Bud Light, natch)
Cat 2
Chicken 2
Bum (live) 1
Hawk w/ Rat (flying overhead) 1

Stay tuned for more Critter Counts™ as we travel to cons this year!

APE 09 wrap up

I’ll start at the top of the trip and tell the tale chronologically. I tell you one thing: the habit of leaving a clean house is a REALLY good one. Nothing like coming home to everything in order when you’ve spent x number of days in chaos!

So, we left out of here on Friday. AirTran regularly screws people who don’t know you have to pay extra to book your seats together (I never remember!). So we were booked with seats 20 rows apart going out. I was already stressed out and cranky, so this did NOT please me. We were on a plane with a group of women going to a marathon and another group that really screwed up the seating. After begging and whining, I managed to get us in adjoining rows, then by some miracle, a nice lady switched seats and we sat together. We also got to try out the AirTran wifi. It’s slow, but we got a free trial so it was GREAT!

The flight to SFO was smooth and we arrived to Greg and Kelly picking us up in his classic ’73 big ass Benz. (Pix soon!). They schlepped us to the Mission where we had Mexican and did some shopping. Good Vibrations is there, you know… Yes there was a purchase! :-D After some more shopping (and walking, of course), they dropped us at Good Hotel for check in. We really like the hotel, but Friday was quite warm and the room was HOT. There is rarely A/C in San Francisco or anywhere else in CA, believe it or not. They apparently did not get the memo about it. Friday night we had Pho at the little shop next to the Hotel – it was not as good as my Pho shop here, but doable.

Saturday we grabbed a cab to the show (APE *Which I think is gone now [Jun 16]) and managed to see every table. It was a fairly large show, smaller than Heroes. We had lunch with Ted, Kelly and Greg at Rocco’s (more walking, of course). They’ve been on Diners Drive Ins and Dives and let me tell you: it is a great place! I had a dinner sized portion of Chicken Scallopini with a brown marinara based sauce that was to die for and it was $10.95 (CHEAP for SFO standards).

After lunch we finished the show and finally spoke to Serena. She is such a sweet sweet girl! <3 There was the big APE party Sat night at Isotope, but we were tired from walking around 3 miles (more about that in a sec) so we opted to go to the Cartoon Art Museum for their little party instead. THAT was a good idea! Thanks to Becky, James and Ilana for telling us about it! They had a collection of Disney’s Sleeping Beauty production art from Ron Dias who was an in betweener at the time. Once Upon A Dream is a wonderful exhibit and I’m really happy to have seen it. They also let us take photos of it, which is technically not allowed, but we are grateful to have! One of the curators also told us about the Walt Disney Museum, which we decided to see on Sunday then go to APE…
Continue reading “APE 09 wrap up”

Weasely updates

I’ve been quiet lately because I’ve been busy with some changes we’ve made around Casa Mizgala. Guess I’ll just go down the list, but first, we got tweeted by Dog Eat Doug today. SQUEEE!!! He retweets many comics, but it’s still an honour to get noticed! Here’s the Twitter window:

Dog Eat Doug RT
Dog Eat Doug RT

And here’s a new fan because of DeD’s RT:

New fan: Rhea!
New fan: Rhea!

Continue reading “Weasely updates”