In other news…

Aside from being in Joomla! hell, I’ve been a busy little beaver today. I’ve added a new plugin to WP (Gallery NextGEN) so I can do some cool stuff with my headers. I did the next round of tweaks to the Taqueria menu. I cleaned out and organised my bookmarks. Lots of little things to make my digital life neater.

When I was talking to Paul (the owner of ITX my web host) last night, he told me that John Travolta’s site is hosted with them and they’ve been running wild trying to stay ahead of the traffic. When his son died, Travolta’s site was hammered. It was just a little ole shared server site and they had to not only move it to its own server, but they had 5 servers plus a load balancer on it to keep it up last night. And even that was to the brink of overload. Crazy, eh?

We had dinner with the Piazzas Saturday night after seeing the disappointing movie The Spirit. (Frank Miller: do NOT direct EVER again.) Dinner was delightful with YellowTail Shiraz, Spinach Dip starter, beef tenderloin au poivre with pepper gravy, haricots verts in citrus sauce and loaded smashed potatoes (baaaaaacon!). We had a delectable green tea crème brulée for dessert. Mmmmmmm. Our tummies were SO full! BIG shoutout to Stormy and Mistah J for having us over. :-)

Hmm, what else? I’ll be happy to get back on a schedule. Nick is finally back to work tomorrow and we’ll be on the diet bandwagon once again. Bleh. My wrist hurts, so I’m gonna call it a day. L8r!

Exploring Joomla!

Last night and today has been a grand experiment with Joomla! the content management system (CMS) that I’ve been seeing more and more of lately. [To clarify my geekspeak: WordPress is a CMS that bloggers use. So is LiveJournal, MySpace, FaceBook and other online services. The difference is that WordPress and Joomla! are things that are installed on MY server, whereas the online stuff is, well, ONLINE. And Joomla! positions itself as a business CMS more than a blog one.]

To start, the installer is completely fubar. Doesn’t work. And it’s been this way for a couple of updates. It took several hours of futzing, calling ITX (my hosting co.) for help then Nick trolling the Joomla! support forums to find out what was wrong. Then as I trolled around today, looking for templates, I realise there are no templates worth a shit for this thing. And the ones that are out there are worse to tweak than my good ole Cutline (WP template) I use here.

On top of all these usability issues, the app is pretty hackable. Granted, this is normal for an open source application when it’s new, but with all its problems, I just can’t believe people are using this application for businesses. It’s NOT ready for that. Not even close!

I think that WordPress is still the best CMS all ’round. Nick just put up a restaurant site with it and it works brilliantly!

So if you have been contemplating a CMS for a blog or small business, I encourage you to look into WordPress and SKIP Joomla! for now. It’s still too young and untested.

All’s quiet on the virtual front?

You’ve got to be kidding me! I find it hard to believe that the ONLY newsworthy event is Travolta’s son dying at 16. Tragic, yes, but is that the only thing going on?

No drama? No gnashing of teeth or rending of clothing? No tales of woe? LJ, you can do better!

Well since no one has anything to say, I’ll post a big ole political post to at least give everyone something to read. No cuts, either, bitches.

A bunch of Muslims got tossed off an AirTran flight and detained for talking about which seats are the safest in a crash. Stupid, yes, but illegal? I think not. The fucking TSA must be reigned in. Those assholes can detain you as long as they wish for any reason they wish. That is WRONG. Oh, and these Muslims were CITIZENS, people, not some random ferrinners.

I get searched about 50% of the time at the airport, which tells me that I’m probably on a watch list for my views on this blog. Well, SUCK IT, TSA!! Go ahead and harass me all you like. I will not stop criticising a fascist department of government with unbridled power to treat citizens any way they wish. It’s wrong and it should be stopped. The fallacy that it “makes us safer” is just plain stupid.

Let’s have some quotes about democracy, shall we? Remind ourselves of a few things:

“Of all tyrannies, a tyranny exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end, for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.” – CS Lewis

“Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.” – George Bernard Shaw

“In a democracy, dissent is an act of faith.” – J. William Fulbright

“We are not afraid to entrust the American people with unpleasant facts, foreign ideas, alien philosophies, and competitive values. For a nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.” – John Fitzgerald Kennedy

“The spirit of democracy cannot be established in the midst of terrorism, whether governmental or popular.” – Mohandas K. Gandhi

“The most effective way to restrict democracy is to transfer decision-making from the public arena to unaccountable institutions: kings and princes, priestly castes, military juntas, party dictatorships, or modern corporations.” – Noam Chomsky

“So long as the people do not care to exercise their freedom, those who wish to tyrannize will do so; for tyrants are active and ardent, and will devote themselves in the name of any number of gods, religious and otherwise, to put shackles upon sleeping men.” – Voltaire

Why do we allow the TSA and the Patriot Act to continue? Because Americans have become sheeple, that’s why. I’m certain that the people of Germany told themselves that Hitler’s regime was acceptable because “I’m not doing anything wrong, so what am I worried about?” And the trains, did indeed run on time.

“Lack of dissent provides permission by acquiescence.” – Angela H. Pratt

And we’re OFF!

If today is any indication, 2009 is going to live up to its 11 master number status. That’s numerology and you can read more about Master Numbers here.

My birthday is 11, but my personal number is 7 (1+9+6+5+11+11=43; 4+3=7). I adore numerology perhaps more than astrology. I feel that numbers are far more powerful than stars light years away. They are repeated over and over again, which gives them much power in creating what you want. (I’m going to write more about numerology, I think!)

Anyway, 2009 has already had an interesting start (This one goes to 11! It had to be said, sorry.). I’m taking my cue from the big change happening to our friends and I’m keeping my eyes open for changes to hit us (they will NOT be of the same stripe!). 11 is a make or break number and although I feel ready to MAKE IT, I’m reigning in my enthusiasm in view of this event. Perhaps some caution is in order…

I hope everyone will embrace the power of an 11 year and make changes for the better – or at least make those leaps of faith that you feel are worth it. If you feel it in your heart… It most likely is worth it.

Go forth and conquer 2009! Ka’plah!

Happy New Year!

We’ve had a wonderful New Year of fabulous food and Twilight Zone and Dick Clark (bless his heart!). I’m very glad we stayed home. It’s been awesome!

After all that excitement, we listened to the various gunfire – everything from 9mm to AKs – then added our own little .25 to the mix. Yes, we fired off three clips from our little .25! W00t! (Hey, at least the ghetto thugs will know we have gun!)

Guess that’s the benefit of livin’ in the ghetto! You can fire off any firearm you have and not be worried that the cops will check it out! Ha!

Heh heh, Nick will be posting some ambient sounds of our fair ‘hood as well as me shooting the .25 into the ground for our New Year celebration. Check his site for the video.

We wish all our bitches a fabulous New Year!

Woo! WooHoo!
