Further Contemplations

Update: welp, it’s 2017 and things are even worse. This country is in decline. I am ashamed to call myself American. It’s sad to watch a country spiral down. Hopefully I’ll be dead before it gets unbearable.

The mortgage info was such a bummer. It’s made me so ashamed of our country. The politicians and banks do NOT give a FUCK about anything but themselves. Hell, why should they? they are treated like royalty! Politicians make VERY good salaries, get free healthcare, free transportation, even free stamps fer chrissakes! They also get lots of money from banks and large corporations in payment for funneling the country’s money back to these coporations.

The TARP money was basically shunned by the banking industry and is sitting around waiting for them to use it. So what they did was work out a plan to “help” borrowers by allowing the borrowers to default, throwing them out on the street, then getting paid IN FULL for the loan from the TARP money. Um. ‘Scuse me, but I don’t think that was the intention of those funds? I’m pretty sure the intent was for TARP (and the myriad other programmes) to be used to RESTRUCTURE a borrower’s loan to more closely reflect the market value of the home. As in: CRAM DOWNS.

But, no, instead it’s basically more free money for the banks/mortgage industry to continue its annihilation of the American Dream™ and America’s neighborhoods, one foreclosure at a time. It is so completely defeating.

Why is this happening? Well, it’s because politicians are treated like royalty. They don’t have to play by the rules they lay out for the peasantry – you and me.

Corporations are the court jesters who entertain and collude with our royal government to keep the money flowing.

The only way to stop this collusion and destruction of our country is to VOTE THEM OUT. Not Obama, obviously, since having a Republican in office would be even worse (the candidates are nutbags), but the rest of them. We need to start local and work our way up to state legislature, then federal representation. Vote out every incumbent on the ticket. Don’t look at party, just look for INCUMBENT. Vote for the other one. County commissioners, state reps, governor, US senators and reps. ALL OF THEM. Vote out everyone you possibly can. This is our ONLY power against what is happening to our country.

So, for a change, can the citizens of America put aside partisanship and race? I doubt it. But it is so easy to just vote them all out. And keep voting them out until we get people who really represent US, the peasantry, rather than the royalty. If the French can pull up cobblestones to get their revolution, then I think Americans should be able to cast some votes. Right?


To be outdone by the French is a sore point for lots of Americans. Well, we have been outdone. What happened to American Pride? What happened to participating? I just don’t know.

And it makes me sad that I live in a country that can’t even control its government. ;_;

Thomas Jefferson said: “When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty.”

I think we should ALL take this to heart. And read more Jefferson.

2 Replies to “Further Contemplations”

  1. Ha! In 2010, I actually did vote for whomever wasn’t in office. It’ll probably be my strategy this go round as well.

  2. I agree. As to presidents.. It’s all about the lesser evil. Not about who would be good in office, turn us around, blah blah blah, but who will fuck us less. At least Obama isn’t trying to fuck women out of basic reproductive healthcare yet. As for the others, well not a fucking one of them deserves their fucking job. Kick him out the door and see if maybe some new blood might change things. Doubt it, but the incumbents sure as fuck won’t.

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