In other news!

After much round and round with DirecTV, we finally got our TiVo!! Gods, that company has no idea what is going on, do they? Getting new service usually goes fine, it’s CHANGING something that gets them all confused. They have a serious disconnect between what a customer orders and what they tell the tech. Judging by the order people I’ve spoken to (not the CSRs who take your order, but the ones who tell the techs), it seems that perhaps they have a Short Bus Outreach programme of some sort for hiring in that department. ;)

It’s been another week full of change and resolutions here at Casa Mizgala. As depressing as the mortgage news is, on the other hand, it’s good to have an absolute answer. No more debate on how to handle this property! Yay! And with the debate off the table, it leaves more room to do planning and recon towards our goals. When we are ready, we stop paying, hoard the money and make a break for it. I like this plan.

Nick has begun his change in direction, as well. He is trying out writing for a while rather than drawing. I think this will work for him. I think his creative blocks have had to do with stories in his head that needed to be written, so once he starts on those, the blocks will come down. Fingers crossed! We’ll see!

The weight loss is stuck around 10#. Which is actually pretty good since I’ve been eating and drinking pretty much what I want this week. Those stupid Shakeology shakes still give me nasty side effects sometimes, but I’ll keep using them. I think lunch may be a better time than breakfast for me. Also: damn you Girl Scouts!

I know I need to work out moar, but goddammit, it is so fucking boring! ARGH. And my knees have been giving me some problems lately, too. Eh, well. The problems of the old and fat. Blech!

A fat hausfrau’s exercise and housework beckons. Happy Friday, all!

One Reply to “In other news!”

  1. stop doing boring workout shit! find something you love and it will stick. Ain’t gonna preach to you, though. I don’t wanna get yelled at. :p

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