Get A LIFE!!

I was taking DJ to the vet this morning and clicking around local radio. Ewww. Anyway, I ended up on a morning show who had some self help woman on taking calls. This guy called in and was whining about how he couldn’t get away from his mommy and daddy because he is an only child and they guilt him into living at home and taking care of them. He was calling because this is getting in the way of his relationship with his fiancée…

First off, does anyone else think it’s a miracle that this guy HAS a fiancée? Thought not.

So, this loser has somehow found a woman dumb enough not only to date his lame ass, but to go as far as to MARRY HIM!! Call the Pope, it’s a miracle. And call MENSA, this girl is clearly an candidate… ::snark::

But I digress. He’s talking to the self help woman, telling her that his daddy is sick and he spends all of his time doing stuff for his parents. The woman asks, well, how old are your parents? He says they are in their fifties!! They are not even RETIRED! After I stopped laughing, I was aghast at just how big a loser this guy is. The self help woman advised him to “set aside the guilt” and “live your own life”. Well, DUH, ya think?

// begin RANT

Gods, if I have to listen to ONE more person whine about how his/her mommy and/or daddy ruin his/her life I think I’ll hurl. And these people wonder why they have issues with relationships! Hmm, here’s a guess: you are infantile and immature!

I know I’ve been very lucky to have had few ties with my parents and this makes me particularly callous to the issues of parental guilt and manipulation. But just DAMN.

Why should I, or anyone else, go out of our way to further coddle and pet these people who refuse to grow up? I get lots of shit for being “mean” to people who are incapable of separating from their families but I swear I just don’t get it. Why is it OK for an adult to be bullied, harangued, manipulated and bossed around by his/her mommy or daddy? Why is everyone else supposed to nod our heads sympathetically and enable these clearly immature people to remain so? Why do I get shit for simply not wanting to participate in the dramas these people are constantly creating?

It’s really funny to me that I’m the bad guy when I try to offer these childish adults some ways to disengage from mommy/daddy rather than simply sit there and agree with how horrible it is to be such a complete BABY.

And, OH, fer chrissakes, do NOT talk to me when you’re fishing for commiseration about your mommy/daddy problems. I may do it a few times, but after a while, I’ll start offering advice on how to stop being such a retard. Sorry, but that’s the way I work. I will NOT sit and listen to stupid shit that can be avoided rather simply for an indefinite time. I will also not give you praise and awards when you DON’T act like a stupid asshole for once. Isn’t that sort of the GOAL? To not be a stupid asshole who loses his/her shit everytime family interaction is required? Don’t get me started on these people who voluntarily call home, go home for holidays and generally interact with their families continuously and THEN whine about it.

Just grow up, you whiny people. Don’t wanna talk to your family? Don’t! Christmas sucks when you go see the family? Don’t go. Get a life and be an independent person. At any rate, please don’t whine to me about it.

Thank you.
// end RANT

Disclaimer: This is NOT directed at anyone in particular. The radio show was just so pathetic that it riled me up about this subject. Don’t take it personally, bitches!!

One Reply to “Get A LIFE!!”

  1. yah, i’m not real filled with sympathy either. in fact after the nightmare that was christmas, dru and i have decided that if they want to see us, they can come to atlanta. it is NOT my fault that YOU suck (us to family)

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