Today is the ‘official’ start of the Mercury Retrograde, but other than random weirdness, this week has been pretty good. I closed the new web client and he also decided to refresh his logo, so we got that, too! Yay! I got stuff worked out with the new agey site as well – there will be a quick stop put to the redesigns and I got a raise to do their updates. Again, Yay!
So, tonite is Caroline’s Halloween Party and we’re stoked. It’ll be nice to be THE people at the party rather than relegated to the B or C list at Jody’s. Overall, I’m really glad that we dropped that whole crowd of people. :-)
I had bizarro dreams last night. Must’ve been all the sleep drugs I took! LOL Today I feel like I am fighting off the weak cold bug that’s going around. Nick has been fighting it all week himself. I’ve had geeky things to do while Nick puts the downspouts on the new gutters. I think I’ll take a break and go hang the Halloween lights. :-)
Here is a pic of us at the Beer Festival last week: