This is the problem!

You can’t legislate morality, people. NO. You can’t. I can’t believe the moronic divorce law changes that are sliding right on through the GA legislature with nary a raised eyebrow. WTF?

When did this country slide completely off the track like this? Who are the people pushing for this Nazi agenda that wants to legislate every tiny aspect of everyone’s lives? It’s ridiculous!!

Is it the Boomers? Is it sinister sleeper cells left over from the Pinko commie days that have finally crept all the way to Washington? Is it rabid Southern rednecks who think it should be their way or the highway? Who?

I want to round up the culprits and toss them out of this country. OUT!! It would probably be a good idea to toss them all the way out of the gene pool while we’re at it, but I think it’d be easier to just toss them into the Middle East so they can LIVE in a theocracy and see what they are trying to do to this country.

You can’t tell a woman what to do with her OWN body. You can’t tell a couple that they cannot divorce if they damn well feel like it. You can’t stop people from doing whatever the hell they want to in their bedrooms. You can’t tell people that they can’t smoke. You can’t offer civil unions to only one set of people.

You just can’t!!! It’s NOT the government’s job to regulate morality! When did the idea that it was come into vogue?

This country was founded to get away from oppression and restrictions on free speech! It was founded on separation of church and state! This is NOT a theocracy!!

Goddammit, why doesn’t anyone seem to understand this? Why doesn’t anyone seem to give a rat’s ass if our liberties are eroded and our lives legislated?

It’s not just the South, it’s this whole country, I know. I am flummoxed by this odd attitude from people who used to value freedom. Hell, this country was the poster child for freedom. What happened?

This is the insidious problem that lurks in our government. The desire to impose more and more and more rules about how you should live your life. It’s disturbing.

Just damn.