Holidays are over! Yay!

OH, thank god it’s over!! Freaking Christmas got all wonky on me this year and I ended up stressed out and disorganized. No out of town gifts got sent, no cards got sent. Not even the goddamned ECARDS happened. Andy’s stuff got sent, but thanks to the buttlickers at UPS, they didn’t make it in time for him to receive BEFORE he left for Miami. So, I expect the packages to either get sent back or be held some fucking where that Andy can’t get to easily. GREAT.

As for GOOD stuff, well I’d say that Michelle’s surprise giftie of yummy yummy fudge was a truly wonderful thing. When I got her warning email about a postal package, I fully expected some persimmon jam or jelly, but I did NOT expect fudge as good as my Granny’s!! Kudos, girlie!

The visit to the parents went fine. Mom got me a sewing machine, but upon opening the box and examining it, she declared it to be insufficient and is taking it back. It’s OK with me, cuz I have plenty on my plate at the moment anyway, what with starting my Herbalist classes and the pesky job hogging up all my free time. We also had a FABulous time at Christmas Dinner with Danica and Allen. The food was sumptuous and we appreciate all Dani’s hard work on the dinner!

I just glad it’s over. Only the New Year’s Eve partying is left before the dismal month of January brings fasting and exercise to my door. Pardon me while I curb my enthusiasm.

funny quote: “The Holidays. More trinkets and stuff to dust – who’s got the time? You know what I’d like for Christmas? UNDERPANTS!” – TV commercial airing this month

Hey, I’ve been archived! Nick was futzing around and tripped onto, which has every site known to the net archived like a library! Isn’t that the coolest? Both of my sites are in there as well as other stuff I’ve done! This is more fun than doing vanity searches in the search engines!! Go NOW and look up your favourite sites – including mine, of course! They have several versions from the time it’s first archived to current versions. It’s called the Wayback Machine – how appropriate. The archived pages don’t seem to have a consistent pattern of dates, so I assume it just archives whenever the robot gets back to your site. Cool!

[In this nascent time of the internet when this was written, was already a “thing”, but now, 14 years later, it is truly an adventure to go look at a site over the years. THIS ONE, for instance. Very funny. – A Mar 2015]

Mile High Club

We came back to rain – a welcome relief from the drought we’ve had. The trip went very, very well (including a totally empty Detroit airport) and we’re both very happy with that. There was no overt snarkiness and apparently Nick’s siblings had to have an all-nighter to sort out the New and Improved Nick and the Nice but Aloof Angela that they were presented with. TeeHee! Change is good.

And now for the REAL news: you are reading the blog of one of the newest members of the Mile High Club. Membership declared on Delta Flight 1919 from Detroit to Atlanta, in the right aft lavatory.

Mile High Club!
Mile High Club!

Bwahahahaha! If any of you other pervs out there have ever thought about joining, by all means GO AHEAD. It was the most evilly delicious adventure we’ve had in a while. :->

The Joy of Misanthropy

It’s my b-b-b-birthday! Yes, hooray for me! It’s been an all round good one, spent with good friends (except Andy, of course, and that SUCKS). I’ve got a new job, a new career path and a reeeaaally sore neck for my efforts, but the sore neck is worth it. :->

On to the meat of this entry, which is all about misanthropy and my joyful, nay, gleeful dispensation of it to those who sorely deserve it. First, I feel that a textbook definition is required:

misanthrope (miz’•an•throp [long O]); noun, “a hater of mankind”. Courtesy of the Random House Dictionary.

Hence, misanthropy is the act of hating mankind and a misanthropist is one who hates mankind. Got it? Good.

Now, about my misanthropy and how it manages to ooze out no matter how hard I attempt to keep it sealed in. I have never, ever denied being a people hater. I detest the unwashed masses and I endeavor to avoid them as much as possible. Anyone who has read any of my Rants *should* know this. Stupid, clueless people are my favourite subjects.

My misanthropy was fostered at a young age, typically directed at my parents or my classmates. I’ve always hated huggybears (people who are always so nice, no matter what, and their fakeness is nauseating) and malkins (people – usually women – who do their best to conform and not rock the boat of social mores). As a child I distinctly remember thinking that my parents were such asses for fighting like schoolyard punks right in front of us. My brother would always get scared, but it made me angry at them for being so self indulgent and grossly inappropriate. I’ve always been a questioner and I’ve never, ever followed directions unless they made sense to me. I’m a misanthropist much to my parents’ dismay and disbelief. Nevermind that they reek of antiintellectualism and their own brand of misanthropy, they just don’t understand why I have such a “bad attitude”. Hmmm, what a mystery.

Add cynicism to my general distaste for people and you would think that you’d end up with someone unable to carry on a conversation or be near people without some sort of rage, but that’s not so. I can be just as charming as the next malkin, er, person. I have the gift of gab and I am a great salesperson. I can talk to anybody, anywhere. No problem with that. The problem is when I have to uphold this social façade for long periods of time or when I am presented with behaviour that pisses me off and I don’t feel obligated to pretend that I don’t get it. Anyone who knows me knows that I’ll only keep my mouth shut for a short time before the smartassed remarks slip out or my true disdain begins to shine through the mask like the sun through the trees. I’ll say I told you so. Just “get to know” me and you’ll hear it at some point. Promise.

Anyone who knows me knows that I do NOT like huggybear behaviour in the least. Hugging people I don’t know is just not natural to me, nor do I think it’s appropriate for people I don’t know to pry into my personal affairs or engage me in debates then get angry when I trounce them. There is a group of people that is doing these things to me at the moment and I’m having a very hard time trying to be neutral in the face of such an all out attack of huggybearness. This group of people has been snarky to me and when they got a whiff of my disdain for such silly psychodrama, they began their assault on my character with religious zeal. They claim I’ve done something wrong by not joining in their group dynamics. They claim I’ve done something wrong by defending myself when I was verbally attacked by one in their group. They have a long list of grievances. All I want is to be left OUT of the psychodrama, dammit!

It is the trademark of a malkin or a huggybear to force conformity, because anything less makes them nervous. Needless to say, I make this group VERY nervous because I refuse to play their game of ‘name that dysfunction’. Sorry, folks, I’ve been there and done that with my own family and I really don’t need a refresher course. But thanks for playing, and have a nice day.

I refuse to apologize for being me nor will I apologize for defending myself. I will not apologize for noncompliance with rules that I do not agree with. I do not understand why I must play the conformity game to placate people that I wouldn’t care to hang out with in the first place. And why do they care so much about getting into my business? It’s not like I’ve encouraged them, but then again, that’s probably the very reason that they want to “know me” better. Huh, yeah, they want ammunition, that’s what they want. If I know one thing, I know how people work. Especially groups. They will draw you in and then happily knife you in the name of conformity. It’s called socialization folks and it just doesn’t work on people like me. (Andy can identify with this statement fer sure!)

That’s why I work for myself. My clients love me because I fix things fast and typically permanently. I do not bullshit them and I do not coddle them. I’m in, I’m out, no painful social interactions that last more than a few hours. That’s why they like me! Now take those same qualities and put them in a 40hr a week cubicle and it’s absolute chaos. It’s the same with groups of any stripe. Like families. I am fine with my family for a few days, but beyond that it may get tense. We have a working arrangement that is very equitable and keeps us all sane: don’t ask, don’t tell. They don’t pry into my bidness and I don’t blab about my bidness unless the subject is to be made public. It goes both ways and as long as we all comply with those simple rules of engagement, we get along famously. That is all I expect from anyone, really. Don’t try to force me to play. It won’t work, baby. I’m a Scorpio. Force is a bad thing to use with a Scorp.

It’s a shame that people have such a hard time with this concept of individuality. It’s a shame that they just can’t comprehend the notion that what they think or say may or may not matter to me and I may or may not react in a given fashion. Why can’t they stop taking every little thing personally? Just because I don’t play the drama game does not mean that I don’t like the people involved. It means that I don’t want to be involved in family or any other drama, that’s all. I’ve wasted a lot of time with malkin and/or family drama and I don’t want to go there anymore.

One of my favourite authors is Florence King, who wrote With Charity Toward None: A Fond Look at Misanthropy. Her book Confessions of a Failed Southern Lady made me realize that I am not a malkin, nor a huggybear. I am a misanthropist and damn proud of it.

Patriot Act

Well, here it is, folks. The “Patriot Act” that our senators just passed to “Keep America Safe”. Heh, “give The Man the power to entrap your ass, rifle thru your belongings at will and do pretty much whatever the hell they want to do in the name of anti terrorism” is more like it. It ain’t right, folks, it just ain’t right. [We are still dealing with this in 2015. The government has more power than ever. It is WRONG. And now, in 2017 we have a fascist in the White House. Are we seeing a pattern here? -A]

As I’ve said before, we must be vigilant to ensure that the government doesn’t run rampant right now, while our attention is diverted. It’s a politician’s DREAM to have carte blanche to institute whatever laws he wants in order to inflict his will upon the masses. Politicians are megalomanics who thrive on getting in the history books, people! I am NOT a member of the ACLU, nor do I typically support their silliness, but in this matter, I am damned upset about the total absence of voters asking, um, you guys want to do what?? I don’t know about anyone else, but I don’t want cops or the Feds to have the ability to look at any and all of my personal info without cause or a warrant! Geez, HELLO, is anyone awake?

Listen, we’ve got to stop this obsession about crazies writing silly notes on an airplane and concentrate on making it harder to accomplish terrorism but with our way of life and our civil liberties intact. If we allow the reactionaries in Washington to institute these new laws without so much as a NAY, then we’ve lost. Period. America is about FREEDOM and our civil liberties ARE our freedoms. It’s what makes this country great and we cannot, CANNOT let those freedoms be compromised.

 So, boys and girls, it’s time to get out your Crayolas and write your Representative to ensure that this heinous bill goes no farther without serious retooling. It just takes a minute, so do it. NOW. Are you still reading? What are you waiting for, GO fer cryin out loud!!