End of Intake Logs

I’m done with the intake logs. You get the idea! It’s the same every day: try to get my fluids, try to get my protein. This weekend, I’m transitioning to pureed foods, which includes proteins. I will let you know how that goes and whether any foods give me a reaction.

I’m sleeping pretty well and feel generally OK. I’m having trouble with energy; it’s up, it’s down, I’m tired, I’m not. I assume this is part and parcel of the body trying to decide WTF to do about all this. I get sweats sometimes, too, and I think this is hormonal. My brain feels bored and fuzzy, but again, the sharp drop in calories probably has a lot do with that.

I’ve not lost any weight, but Amy told me that her loss didn’t start until week three, so I assume I’ll be on track with her. We have very similar bodies. Scratch that! I just weighed and I’ve dropped to 230! So, about 8# down since last week! Yay!

My Dermabonded incisions are itchy! GAH! Between the chafed skin from tape and the healing, I’m using a lot of hydrocortisone cream!

I’m taking my supplements every day: gummie vits, sub lingual B12 and I’m adding in calcium today. I may add in the vegan iron this weekend, too. I’ve never needed to take iron, but with basically no food, I’m taking it for now. My six month blood tests will tell the tale of how my supplements are working.

I’ll be making a video this weekend. I’m trying to get on a weekly schedule with them.

In other news, my TSA complaint is in the works. The investigations department has it and video is being reviewed.  I also sent my Senators TSA complaints and one of them had their minion CALL ME to tell me that they got the email. How quaint. Fucking politicians. Completely out of touch with the world. $100 says he gets his emails printed every morning and handed to him. Sigh.

Hilton gave me an apology, a full refund and 25,000 HHonors points which is a free night or two.

If you stand up for yourself, you’ll usually get satisfaction.