So it appears that our grand plans to gtfo of GA have been squelched by the shitty economy and lack of jobs. FINE.
We WILL NOT be denied!! ::shakes fist at Universe::
I’ve had to pull out every bit of patience in my being to deal with this. It’s immensely frustrating, yet I’m awash in CALM. WTF is that about? I’m afraid it’s my soul dying and giving up, to be honest. Either that or I’m becoming a Zen motherfucker in my old age. That has yet to be determined.
While the people in Phoenix are pretty cool, there is also an undercurrent of ageism that’s a little unnerving. I hope it’s just this one group we’ve run across (Ad2PHX, I’m looking at YOU) but it’s hard to tell. In any case, there ain’t SHIT in Nick’s fields of expertise (PrePress Manager and/or Macintosh Systems/Network Admin).
So here we sit.
It sucks to be stuck, but on the other hand, it’s not like we’re homeless. Nick’s got a good job (albeit boring as fuck) and I’ve picked up bookkeeping again. I’m trying really hard to think of this time as training time. I’m bugging everyone I know in the restaurant biz to let me come and cut veg in their kitchens. I really need some kitchen training. I want to make this stuck time count for something, dammit. At least I can learn more about running a restaurant and all that.
It was interesting when I was talking to Rob about it, he told me that I already know how to be a kitchen manager. I was surprised by that, but as it turns out, a KM is the numbers person, which I am. Who knew? THIS is why I need training! I need to know this shit!
To assuage our depression at being stuck in ATL for the immediate future, we have decided to go to Heroes Con. No table, of course, but just as attendees. I’m sure it’ll be a grand time and we certainly NEED it. We are heading to Wilmington NC afterwards to ogle the battleship and lay drunk on Wrightsville Beach. DAMN RIGHT.
Money be damned, that’s the plan. :)
Please get extra drunk for me. I can no longer handle my own liquor like I did when I was a teenager. O_O
Ha! Me neither. I can drink wine and beer pretty well, but grain alcohol not so much! Doesn’t stop me, of course, but I’ve resigned myself to a hangover day if we get into the vodka, sake or prosecco. Meh. But I shall drink several for you whilst I scare the beachgoers with my fat white ass at Wrightsville Beach! Salud! :)