Wow! Just wow! This con rocked my FACE OFF. Seriously. We had some tough times, but overall, I’m pleased and inspired!
The trip up was uneventful. We got up there and loaded in by 5pm. We ate at the Hilton and got to bed at a reasonable hour. Friday was BUSY! Heroes had to have had more attendance this year. Friday was like Saturday last year. Everything went well and we had dinner out with Chris and Miracole – which was AWESOME. We never get to hang out due to their crazy schedules, so it was great to actually sit down and converse. Again, we went to bed at a reasonable time since we knew Sat would be balls to the wall.
And it was balls to the wall! I’m sure Stan Lee’s appearances on Sat and Sun are the reason for the uptick in attendance but whatever, we welcomed it! All was well until mid afternoon when Nick had a snack then started to get sick. He ended up with food poisoning and went to bed right after the show closed. I, on the other hand, got dressed and went out to the Westin to see the art auction and have some fun. Nick insisted, so I drank enough for both of us! I got into the tequila and didn’t eat a bite. By some miracle, I felt good on Sunday, too. Weird. Big THANK YOU to the Burnses for their superior herding capabilities and getting me back to the hotel safely. I love you guys!!!
Nick stayed in bed on Sunday and I manned the table. It was still pretty busy for a Sunday. I was tired but not hungover. It is a MIRACLE, I tell you! AMEN! He finally came to the show around 3pm and got to say goodbye to most of our peeps. I cried like a silly girl most of the afternoon when everyone was saying goodbye and wishing us well in PHX. We REALLY appreciate it, you guys. oxoxoxo
Shout outs:
Chris and Miracole: bestest roomies and cat herders!
Little John and Patwicia: our ATL friends we only see at Heroes!
Damian and his chica: our lovely CLT fans – we love you!
Denis (et al): had a great time! Can’t wait to see you in July!
Danielle, Beck and the Womanthology crowd: bestest table mates EVAR!
Jesse and Amber: really loved hanging out with you! Look forward to doing it again!
Nak and Allen: nice to meet you, fellow Atlantans! Hope to see you soon!
Mike: we are in similar situations. I hope we ALL find our sweet spots soon!
Mike Maihack: good to see you and chat!
Jeffrey Brown: you make me very happy with your cat books!
John and Kim (and Kelsey): sorry I forgot your beer! I owe you one! ;)
Suzanne and David: so, so great to get to actually have a conversation. I have a huge crush on you, Suzanne. <3 ::sigh::
And to everyone I gave a driveby fondling to at the Westin: Heeeeey! MUWAH!
Last but not least: my wonderful Weasel Boi. I’m sorry you got sick, baby. I love you!
Heroes has been my tipping point. I can clearly see our potential and the importance of doing cons regularly. Our friends/fans who told us they’d miss us really drove home how important it is to get out there and MEET PEOPLE.
You may not be the greatest artist on the planet, but if you’re nice to people, give them your best and let them know how much you appreciate them, you’ll be successful.
If there is any way in the world to make Heroes happen for us next year, I’ll find it. It’s our first big con and it’s our best con. We want to keep that momentum going. Thanks, Heroes Con! We love you!