More on the Handout Plan

CBS’ article on this convoluted mess is very good. The breakout articles on the actual points of the bill as well as a comparison between the Senate and House versions are also invaluable for seeing just how FUBAR things are and why we’ll be paying this shit off for decades.

Why are you still here? Clicky click.

My first impressions:
– Credits for buying a car? Really? So buying a NEW car when you can’t pay your bills is a good idea? This is “Buy American” incentives for the auto industry. Didn’t they just get billions of our money to save themselves?

– $4.6 billion for fossil fuel research and development? Oh, yah, right that “CLEAN” coal that Southern Company is promoting… PORK.

– $116.5 billion for education? And this helps out the economy how, exactly? If there are no jobs, then having a BA really doesn’t matter, does it?

– $870 million to combat flu. What? ::shakes head::

Sadly, the differences between the House and Senate bills are not significant.

Bend over, America! Get out the LUBE, you’re gonna need it.

4 Replies to “More on the Handout Plan”

  1. BAck to the future…you car loan interest goes off your taxes yet again…wanna bet to get the break it’ll have to be a domestic manufacturer to help protect the UAW? And just wait till the Feds make GM and Chrysler into American Leyland….

  2. Addendum…

    Wanna bet Pjur outsourced their manufacture and IT to China or Mexico to escape US costs and regulations?…they need a bailout too here in Bailout Nation!!

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