Bad, bad, bad

The list of retrograde jackassery grows and grows. Just for fun and for the record here (since my site was down for 36 hours and I had to use LJ) let’s recap the festivities, shall we?

  • A client’s Mac is acting up – but only when she uses it. It’s fine for us. Makes it a bit difficult to fix, yes?
  • ThinkWeasel! is currently behind for no good reason.
  • The Mars lander Phoenix had a short and was fixed. Then they lost radio contact. Finally, the damn thing is working. Let’s hope it continues to work! Read more at NASA.
  • Someone we know who is mightily fucked up tried to commit suicide on Friday. That person did not succeed. (A backhanded benefit to a retrograde: the best laid plans usually go fubar.)
  • A friend of ours had to put one of her ferrets down due to cancer. (Sorry, sweetie! We want to hang out with you very soon, ok? ::hugs::)
  • Universal Studios in LA caught fire and lost a couple of movie sets as well as part of the video archives.
  • And of course, the pièce de la résistance: UPDATE there was an explosion in the H1 data center (in Houston TX) – that’s right: explosion – and it knocked out a whole floor of servers. 7500+ customers’ sites were down. The servers affected were the DNS servers, so the outage did not affect our actual web servers.

Yes it’s been a very nasty retrograde so far. It’s been a challenging few days. I hope that things chill the fuck out this week. The good news: only 17 days left! :-/