Writing and stuff

I feel like writing, but I’m having a hard time narrowing down the topics to something a) interesting and b) meaningful. There’s been a lot going on around here of late and it’s hard to write about it in a logical manner.


As I sit here gazing upon my backyard, I feel both bored and happy at once. There’s the Papa Cardinal having a bite at the big feeder. Mama Cardinal is pecking around below. Chris the Pigeon (or is it Pat?) is grazing below the feeder. The finches are all over the column feeder as well as a couple on the big feeder. A squirrel noshes below the feeder until something catches its attention and it bounds away, up into the privet. Bernadette skulks around the perimeter of the yard looking for a nap spot. It’s all very bucolic, isn’t it?

So why am I getting that trapped feeling? I think we have a great life… But somehow the stability of it all just makes me – dare I say it? – BORED.

I know this is all me. It’s the Universe poking me with a stick (a stick named Hammy, actually) and urging me to grow. Question is, grow how? I know I need to change things such as smoking and drinking too much, not exercising, dealing with my health issues and all that, but I’m so unmotivated it’s really pathetic. I also want a different career, but what do I want?

Bleh. Sometimes navel gazing can only take you so far. Perhaps Hammy the Stick can force me to move.

We shall see.

2 Replies to “Writing and stuff”

  1. i too, chafe at the bucolic splendor that is suburban living. i wish the fuckers at the museum would email me back.

    i’m gonna call if i don’t hear anything by monday. i am so DESPERATE for an activity – i can feel my brain cells dying.

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