New Cabinet for the Shrub

The Shrub’s cabinet is bailing right and left! Hee!! It makes me happy. [edit 11/16: well, now I’m not sure I’m happy. It could get even worse with Condi Rice in there… not to mention the Shrub installing all his Texas cronies… I think I’ll amend happy to read INTERESTED. – A]

The guy who replaced Attorney General Ashcroft, Alberto Gonzales, has already pissed off the Religious Right by being a moderate when it comes to abortion. Yay! But who knows what other things he’ll fuck up, being a Bush cronie and all.

In addition to Ashcroft, the other bailees so far are Secretary of State Colin Powell, Agriculture Secretary Ann Veneman, Education Secretary Rod Paige and Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham. I don’t know what to think about all these folks being kicked out and/or leaving. If the Shrub gets rid of the Nazis and installs more moderate people, then it could be a good thing. If he just makes things worse by installing more of his Texas cronies like Gonzales then maybe it’s not such a good thing. [another edit 11/16: Condi Rice is never a good thing. Like, EVER. -A]

What do y’all think?

One Reply to “New Cabinet for the Shrub”

  1. rice is one of the devil’s handmaidens. not a single original thought in her head. the shrub must be controlling the uplink (sorry, watched i,robot last night).

    i am reserving all judgment on the cabinet until i have a chance to look them over more carefully (didn’t know poop about gonzales)

    we have to CLEAN this weekend, and bexxx was wanting to do a little something, so we may be able to put something together for the early evening.

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