Why I’m So Damned Angry

It could be the hormones. It could be that I’m tired. It could be that I am burnt out.


I try to take it all with the proverbial grain of salt, but you know, I just can’t be that goddamned generous all the time. I seethe. I harbour ill will. I feel rancor. I want blood. And heads on sticks.

Perhaps I should feel bad about it. But I don’t.

You see, Dear Rantee, I am on a mission to see that atlmug.org no longer exists after tomorrow. It is my fondest wish that those who click the link will get an Error 404 – file not found error or better: There is no DNS entry for atlmug.org. Please check the address and try again.

The people on the Board of Directors of AMUG decided some time ago that they wanted to possibly move the site or have a new web person. Which is perfectly fine with me, as long as I get credit for my work as long as it’s used or they make a new site. AMUG did neither. They plotted to steal the site rather than simply ASK me for it – then they did steal the site and take my name off of it.

Now the buttlicking Chair of the Board (Mike H) is trying to convince me that it wasn’t he that made the decision to steal the site, and I should just calm down about it. Calm down? Calm down?? He can bugger OFF! HE didn’t just finish redoing the site only to have this shit happen. HE didn’t put up with bullshit for 2+ years then have some BITCH steal his work. So, yeah, it’s easy for HIM to be calm. And he is such a Machiavellian liar anyway!! He knew damn well what was up and he didn’t so much as give me a call on the phone – until it was conveniently too late for me to even protest. Bastard.

And let’s not forget the beeyoch who did the deed: Sheryl M. She is the one who called up the host and started some shit, then convinced them that SHE should have access to the FTP site (easier to steal all the files, you see). She had no problem stealing my work, hacking it [badly, I might add] and reposting it on her server. Gee, Web Genius, didja know that it’s a federal offense to do that? Well, you *will* if I have to get a lawyer.

And I fear I *will* have to retain counsel. These fuckers think I’m just playing. They have no idea.

The truly hilarious and ironic thing about all this is that I’d intended to finish up the new site, move it to more stable hosting at Macquarium, then resign as the Webmistress. I’m tired of the site and I’m damned tired of AMUG. I was gonna give them a nice site to use (with my name on the site, of course) and wash my hands of the day to day running of it. But now, NO. I took the site that I’d worked on, stripped it of my CSS, scripts, etc. and sent that to them as an alternative to attempting to hack the other site and being sued for using my code. VERY generous, I think. Will they do the right thing and use the stripped site? Are they smart enough to realize that I will know my code and graphics if they try to use them? Are they so incredibly stupid that they will end up in court over a goddamned User Group website? And lose?

Only time will tell, I suppose. Until then, I’m sharpening my sticks…