The Things We’ve Lost

I woke up with this post almost fully realised in my head this morning. This is a good sign! I hope to get back to writing more this year.

I was thinking about the things we’ve lost to corporate greed. It’s a long list and I believe that these things that have been monetized to the hilt are part of the reason so many of us are depressed and bored. Here we go.

Not only have we GenXers had to go from records to cassettes to CDs then back to records, we’ve lost radio to subscriptions. I’m happy that radio is rebounding a little here in ATL. 99x is back on the air and there are a couple of other stations still hanging on. But since the advent of the internet, the monetization of music has pretty much torpedoed free over the air radio. I have my curated list on my phone, but I have to consciously go forth and search for new music. This contraction is why TayTay RULES pop music and there are so few artists getting traction. I’ll also touch on the advent of AutoTune, which has absolutely devastated TALENT in music. That rant is for another day, but AutoTune has contributed significantly to the decline of talent being necessary to make it in music.

TV is the same: cable ruined over the air, but it *is* still available if an HD antenna will work for you (won’t for me). I’ve not had live TV in years. I’ve given up watching horse racing, ice skating and NFL amongst other things and it sucks. I’ve got Netflix, Disco+, AppleTV, PBS and free Peacock and still cannot enjoy the few things I like. NO JOY.

Back in the day, mid 90s, when all of us tech minded GENXers were CREATING THE DAMN INTERNET, things were pretty wild and wooly. Content was everywhere, socials were not clogging up things yet. You had to know how to create a search term (over on DogPile, REPRESENT) to find anything while using your Netscape Gold (which we called Nutscrape because reasons). Then Google happened: YAY! better searching! Then the socials started to show up. I remember a kid talking about FaceBook in the early aughts, and I thought it sounded stupid. Everyone had a MySpace page, complete with annoying music. Tripod was a place you could put together a website without hand coding! Miracle! Websites were hand coded, then DreamWeaver changed everything for us nerds who were into websites. THEN the corporations started to form around Google and the socials. The tech bros wondered if these sites with tons of users could be worth anything? By the 2010s, FB had gobbled up everything and the rest is history. I also remember Twitter and the awesome thing it WAS before bots and Felon Tusk. Now AI will continue to ruin all that is (was) good about the internet. And it makes me sad. Further reading about the enshittification of TECH by Edward Zitron: Never Forgive Them NOTE: This guy is young (b 1987), so he does not remember the Olden Days™, therefore I take a grain of salt with his writings. He is also a tech bro, which I don’t care for. The article is still worth your time, however.

Back in the Olden Days™ (1900s!), Walmart was all about American Made. Most of their products had this proudly emblazoned on the labels. Then the old man died and the money grubbing children took over. In an effort to remain the cheapest place to shop (in consumer minds, it really is NOT, LOSS LEADERS, look it up), they decided that all their vendors needed to manufacture in China to bring down the cost of their products. Now I’ll tangent a little to tell you a story about a lady I met at some random job, whose company was forced to manufacture in China if they wanted to sell at Walmart, so they did. Then the Chinese booted them from their factory and the country and STOLE IT ALL. Walmart said ‘too bad, so sad’ and dropped them. This is why I have a bad attitude about the Chinese and their complete lack of integrity when it comes to copyrights and fair treatment. THIS story is why I will not shop at Walmart and I do my best to find American made products if possible. 99.9% of the time, it is not. Thanks Walmart for nuking manufacturing in America.

Then, of course, there is Amazon. The other elephant in the room that stomped out small business across the land and killed bookstores outright. I also do not shop at Amazon very much, I try to find things on eBay, which is the last bastion of small businesses online. You’ve got to be careful to avoid the Chinese on eBay, they proliferate. And even if you filter to N America only, they’ll still get you. I ordered some compression gloves from “Kentucky” which took 2.5 weeks to arrive. They were from China and repackaged no doubt.

Not much to add about this, everyone knows how fucked up healthcare is in the US. Corporations (insurance) run it and they are out for money, fuck you and your health. Bravo to the shooter, I giggled with glee. I DGAF about that CEO – just like he didn’t give a fuck about how many people HE KILLED with his company. Fuck them all.

Of course, we can all understand that the pandemic fucked up the food supply lines and things were pricey AF simply because it was so hard to get items moved from one place to another. BUT. Then the corporations who own the food supplies just left the prices where they were. Are we shocked? NO WE ARE NOT. These corporations are out for MONEY. Fuck you and your groceries. Food is up about 25% across the board – if not by price, then by shrinkflation, which is the method of reducing the size of the item but keeping the price the same. This has been going on for years – a “pound” of coffee has been 12oz forever. But now it’s in just about everything. This is earning the corporations 25% any way you slice it.

Not much to add about this, either, it’s well covered by many. The outrageous cost of buying or renting has been fueled by corporations buying up all the starter homes and rentals in the 08 crash. Corporations should not be allowed to own private residences, period. When corporations own all the property and control all the prices, this is what you get.

The bottom line is that allowing corporations to run wild is what is fueling this plethora of oligopolies that are controlling massive swaths of our economy (and our lives). For an explanation of OLIGOPOLY, I give you the first honest cable ad:

Link to the youtube video if iframe is not working HERE.

Corporate greed is the root of why there is no joy in ANYTHING any more. Listening to music, reading a book, going shopping, going out to eat, hell, even movies are foul now. Corporations have brought this country to its knees economically and beaten its citizens into two groups: one is just TIRED and SAD; the other is too stupid to see that there’s a problem. The next four years will be tough, my peeps. As corporations continue to aggregate power (a fucking rich fuck OWNS the goddam president FFS) and the rich continue to get richer, the rest of us will continue to barely hang on. I don’t want a civil war, but I think it could happen. What I do totally support is uprising against these rich fuckers and their corporations. We, as a nation, need to decide that we are not going to allow corporations to rule this country. We need to take back our nation and provide for EVERYONE, not just rich fucks. I’m fine with any method we choose to do that. Take that as you will.

Here We Are

It’s now 2025 and we await whatever fresh hell will be rained upon us.

First thing out the gate: a crazed ex-military whackjob murdered 15 people and injured 30 more in New Orleans. He was promptly dispatched by the police. Of course, the wacky right media claimed he was an illegal immigrant. NOPE, SORRY, he was one of YOURS.

Then Cybertrucks start exploding. One blew up in front of Trump hotel in Vegas, killing the driver. I did think it was genius that it blew up THERE, tho. Then, here in GA, a Cybertruck caught fire and burned up on the dealer lot in Decatur. If I had one of those monstrosities, I’d not park it near my house.

We watched Amy Adams in Nightbitch last night. What an odd movie! It is very weird but basically a meditation on what women go through when deciding to have kids and the resentment caused when women give up THEIR lives to be SAH moms. The movie displays these feelings in VERY strange ways. It’s basically a vehicle for Amy Adams to show her amazing acting chops. She slays.

The movie confirms why I never had any interest in breeding. It also confirms what I sensed my whole life from my mother: RESENTMENT. She hated being a SAH mom and I knew it my whole life. I couldn’t verbalise it as a child, but I knew my mother was not a happy housewife. She hated cooking especially, which is why her food was gross.

So, yeah, welcome to 2025. We have plans to get ourselves out of CC debt and start actually LIVING our lives. We are being brave and doing what needs to be done to sever this anchor of debt dragging us down since Nick’s three years at Minuteman working a low paying job. We are getting rid of the debt and starting fresh. NOT a bankruptcy, but we’re draining our investment account. Once the CC debt is gone, we will be able to actually use the money we make to move forward rather than simply tread water like we have for five years.

We want to reconnect with people who matter to us and we want a fucking vacation this year. It’s been over a decade since we’ve gone anywhere. That is just SAD.

So, cutting loose the negatives and setting a course to better ourselves. I hope this country doesn’t collapse or whatever. It will derail our plans and piss me off royally. I hope the infighting of the Shitgibbon brigade will render them ineffective and they’ll piss away their four years. Then we can get the country back on track. Hopefully.

It’s a new year. Let’s get on it.

2025 Reading List

Welcome to a new year of reading!

I read 28 novels and 26 graphic novels last year. Not bad! We start out 2025 by bringing over the two novels I’m reading right now:

The Revenant, Michael Punke. Yes, the book that the movie is based on. I have a niche like of Westerns set in the great expansion West period. This one is well written – it’s my treadmill book, which means it’ll be finished in Jan 25. On track!

Bitter in the Mouth, Monique Truong. Got this one for xmess and it is EXEMPLARY. Truong is an excellent writer. This book explores Lexical-gustatory (LG) synesthesia, which is the condition that makes words have tastes. This was my initial interest in the book, but the book is about finding oneself and family. This is Truong’s second novel, the first is The Book of Salt, which I will acquire shortly. I also like that her books all relate to TASTE.

Also Xmess:
Fuzzy Nation, John Scalzi. SO GOOD! It’s a quick read because it is highly entertaining. The ending was a little blah, but I loved this book! It’s about corporate greed and sentient life. Good stuff!

You Like It Dark, Stephen King short stories.

From 2024 list:
Learning to Bow, Bruce Feiler. Subtitled Inside the Heart of Japan. I got this one for the look inside Japanese culture, but this guy writes a lot of Christian crap, so we’ll see how it goes. It seems to be less novel and more guide? I’ll report.

Courtney Crumrin, Ted Naifeh. (Things I realised I’d missed!)
Courtney Crumrin Vol 4: Monstrous Holiday
The Crumrin Chronicles Vol 1: The Lost and the Lonely
The Crumrin Chronicles Vol 2: The Charmed and the Cursed
The Crumrin Chronicles Vol 3: The Wild and the Innocent

The Drowning Kind, Jennifer McMahon.

The Woman in the Window, A.J. Finn. “A Netflix film”. Sounds like a derivative of Rear Window to me.

Leaving Time, Jodi Picoult.

Four Hours of Fury, James M Fenelon. The story of WWII’s largest airborne invasion and the final push into Nazi Germany.

Bunker, Bradley Garrett. Building for the end times. This is a look at prepper communities around the world and how they prepare for the apocalypse. Timely, no?

Thanks A Lot Mr Kibblewhite, Roger Daltrey. His memoir.

Alice Hoffman’s Magic Series (NOT in published order, but in storyline order)
Magic Lessons, Alice Hoffman. Part 1
The Rules of Magic, Alice Hoffman. Part 2
Practical Magic, Alice Hoffman. Part 3
Book of Magic, Alice Hoffman. Part 4

Paper Son, S.J. Rozen.

On Gold Mountain, Lisa See. I always get her books.

Born Standing Up, Steve Martin. His autobiography/memoir. I’ve read some of his fiction – he’s a good writer.