All About ME!

My big 5-0 has come and gone. Meh. I did have a good birthday with gifties from my bestie Sonya and my beloved. Sonya got me a Rume bag with Misangela and a PURPLE UNICORN! She also got me a hard copy of The Girls of Atomic City and a Bad Cat calendar. Oh, and some cool purple spotted kitty earrings! Nick got me the Christine Ha cookbook, the Neil Gaiman/Chris Riddell illustrated collection with Fortunately the Milk, Coraline and Ocean at the End of the Lane and best of all: CATBUS!!

So, yeah. Birthday out of the way. I’m glad of that. The weirdness was that my brother called me the night before my birthday. YES, my brother. No one died, either. Despite how badly those people treat me, I still like to hear from them every now and then. The best bit of gossip from the call was that my niece’s useless twat of a babydaddy has also moved in with my brother. Presumably to babysit while the niece goes to school. Riiight. Free ride, anyone? My brother is supporting FIVE people on his meager salary. And let’s not forget paying the niece’s huge pregnancy bills. What a clusterfuck.

I’ve been having anxiety/panic attacks pretty regularly. Not huge deals, but annoying. For me, a panic attack is feeling trapped, short of breath, crying, sitting and staring blankly or sometimes outbursts of anger. In any mix. They suck no matter how they manifest. I’d love to have some xanax or something to take the edge off when I have them, but my useless doctor won’t give me a Rx. Because she hates me. Whatever, bitch, I got Dr Alcohol to get me through.

Went to see Straight No Chaser at the Fox Friday night. It was a really great show. I’ve never been to an acapella show and WOW is it awesome! The vocal percussionist was especially incredible – he made sounds for the whole show, every song. I don’t know how he keeps his voice up for that! At the end, they did a song with no amplification, which was by far, the most intense concert experience I’ve ever had. The whole house was SILENT. After a few rednecks got their “FREEBIRD” shouting out of the way, of course. You could have heard a pin drop in that theatre when the boys did their thing. AMAZING. If you get the chance, go see Straight No Chaser. It’ll change the way you think about concerts.

We went out and about yesterday and I finally got my Red Lobster fix. Maybe it’s because I was raised with it, but every now and then, I gots to get my Red Lobster on! Those biscuits! Our lovely server brought us a bag of biscuits to bring home which we are having for breakfast! YUM!

I’m feeling just fair for the most part. I’m very run down and tired almost all the time. I think *I* might have some sort of illness, too. Nick and I think that we both have autoimmune problems and we also think they’ll never get treated. I am 90% sure I’ve got overall autoimmune problems because 1. I’ve got inflammation constantly and 2. my mother has it. I think I’m going to look into dietary changes that might help.

In other news, we also now know that NuVision will be no more in 10-12 months. Walgreens has bought Rite Aid, so Rite Aid will not be a client, which means no NuVision. It’s good to have a definite deadline. But we still have no clue what we’ll do. We will continue to clean out all unneeded possessions and Nick will be selling off all the equipment at NuVision. So, this is it, kids. The end of an era. This time next year we may not even be in Atlanta. We shall see.