Vacay Next Week!

SO looking forward to HeroesCon next week. I’ve got my hair bleached, cut and ready for lavender/hot pink/cyan. I’ve got the housesitter lined up. Just gotta do some housecleaning and pack and we’re outta here on Thursday.

We’re going to see Weird Al while in Charlotte. We’ll miss Friday night at the Con, but we don’t really care. Since we’re just attending rather than tabling, it’s gonna be chill. We might lay up in the room for half the con for all I know. We assume the Westin has room service and we might hole up. We’ve had a tough month or so.

It’s clear that the pub thing is not happening. And now we’re spending our money on games and shit, so it’s pretty much off the table for now. Whatever. I’m putting my energies into the game enterprise and trying to bring in more money myself. I applied to Michaels, a temp agency and a couple of craigslist ads and NONE of them even acknowledged me. It’s pretty demeaning to be treated like that. What is wrong with people these days that they can’t even be bothered to say THANKS FOR TRYING? Ugh.

Had to deal with Comcast this week. My intro rate of $50/mo for 50mbs service ended and the bill went up to $79 – which is a price not even listed on the fucking website. I called, got the Philippines (horrible connection) and asked for retention, which is manned from the US. Got some girl who couldn’t explain why my price was more than the “regular” price on their own site and couldn’t do much for me. I did learn, tho, that if I take the 25mbs service ($67/mo) for 90 days, THEN I can call back and qualify for an “upgrade deal” to get the speed back, probably for something around $50/mo. So far, I’m not really feeling any difference with 25mbs. Netflix runs fine, too. Whatever, Comcast. WTF EVAR. Oligobble, motherfucker. >:(

It’s about time to cut the cord with DirecTV. It’s $100+/mo that we really should be saving. Speaking of SAVING, I’m SICK TO DEATH of scrimping and saving, only to be cockblocked again and again. My 50th fucking birthday is looming and I think we might blow a wad of cash and take a Viking Cruise. FUCK IT. We never take vacation, all we do is scrimp and save and I’m sick of it. We never do anything nice for ourselves! Hell, we’ve not even been to Heroes for two years! And for what? Nothing, that’s what. It’s not like depriving ourselves of a life is getting us towards our [now defunct] goal, yanno? Nope, we’re still not in business and still don’t qualify for any sort of assistance. I’m old and I’m tired of a life of worry. Not like a restaurant will lessen that, now will it? I think it’s time to move on.

I’d like to run away to France or Italy, but Nick won’t go for it and I don’t even know if we’d qualify. This country is fucked and we’ll either die from lack of healthcare or go to debtor’s prison for not being able to pay for care. That’s what it’s coming to in this fucked up excuse for a modern country.

I’m stopping right here. My mood is not good today and this line of thought isn’t helping. I’m trying VERY VERY hard to stay positive and it’s fucking difficult. Let’s just focus on Heroes/vacay and go mow the damn lawn, shall we? How about a Shasti Kat pic? YASS!