Easy come…

Easy go. We put a bid on the house and the asshole owner then counterbid $12,000 HIGHER than our bid!! Yes, boys and girls, his counterbid was $10,000 higher than what he had the house listed as ($92.5k). We bid $90k, which was a reasonable bid, but he apparently thinks a) we’re stupid or b) we like the house SO MUCH that we’ll pay his mortgage payment, buy the new furnace and give him $4000 just for the privilege. What a wanker!

So, it appears that the house buying is stymied for now. There was nothing else very interesting in the MLS, so I’m ready to let it go for a bit.

Tonite, Dickens has simply lost all semblance of balance. He was having a snack and just fell over. He is leaning heavily to the right, but no seizures or anything. So, he takes precedence over anything else like houses or asshole people. Tomorrow we are going to the vet first thing and I’m going to try and stay up to keep an eye on him tonite. I’m tired and feeling crappy myself, so I’m not sure if I’ll manage to stay awake, but I’m gonna try. He can’t be left out, nor can he be put in a carrier or anything. I guess I could put him in the bathroom, but I’m afraid he’ll cry all night. I’m also afraid that he’ll die in the night or something equally as awful, which is why I don’t want to sleep.

God, what an incredibly shitty day.