Money and jobs

Well, last week was a quick one! I got rid of that shitty Rich’s job on Wednesday. Those assholes never even called me back when I asked for yet another HR appointment, so I decided: fuck it. They suck, it’s making me crazy and I’m outta there. I already miss the money, but with CCCS gone, we’ll be fine. So, now begins the stress of finding a new way of making money. I hate it.

Allen got laid off on Friday. He knew it was coming, but he thought it would be the end of May, not the beginning. At least he got a generous 7 week severance package plus the ability to claim unemployment until they get on their feet in Clearwater. This has moved up the moving timetable, however, which means less time to get stuff done before they go and less time before the goodbyes. I hope we can visit them some, but I know it’s not going to be once a month like they think it is. There is simply no way that either of us can take off that much time from work. It’s not like they are going to be 3 or 4 hours away! They are going to be about 8 hours away and that severely limits weekend trips to a minimum of 3 days. One whole day will be lost to driving. It’s going to be a loooong boring summer with no playmates!

Yesterday we cleaned out the storage space. There were a few boxes of rescued books and odds-n-ends from the fire. The wet books were covered in an interesting cotton-candy like mold. Gross! In the end, Dani decided to toss out all of it except her antique chair, some lawn chairs, a floor fan, and two small boxes of games and miscellaneous stuff. It was depressing to go through that stuff, but it has to be done before they leave. There is another pile of stuff at her mother’s that must be gone through as well. Not pleasant, but necessary. I hope the photos that were found haven’t been ruined from sitting for a month.

I talked to Andy Saturday night. His trip to San Diego went well and he’s pretty sure that he’ll get that appointment. The lab is doing very similar research to that of his Dissertation and he likes the guys. It’ll be an improvement fer sure. He may send Hobbes to me for “Summer Camp” while he moves and gets settled. He can take Hobbes back with him after Dragon*Con on Labour Day. The other job evaporated, so the San Diego gig is pretty much it. If this one doesn’t materialize, I guess he’ll be back here to tread water until something else comes up. I wouldn’t mind that at all, but his career comes first, so my feelings can’t get involved.

Today, I think I’m a bit depressed. Eh, I’ll get out in the sunshine and that should help dispel it. I need to pot my Gerber Daisies and futz with the HUGE irises. If I sit in here, the depression will just get worse, so I’m off to get outside and do something.