Terrorism as a Marketing Tool

So, here we are, in year 2 of the Second Generation of the Bush Reich. Dubya has decided that everyone else can fuck themselves because we’re going to war, dammit! He’s also decided that Alan Greenspan is full of shit and therefore should just shut up about the Bush Plan to Save the Economy by Giving Tax Breaks to My Rich Friends and Leaving a Deficit for the Rest of You Poor Schmucks To Clean Up for Years to Come. [Turns out Greenspan was an idiot as well. -A 2015]

Well, here’s my theory: Terrorism as a Marketing Tool. Bush and his Daddy’s cronies are using the fear of terrorism to get every stinking thing they want. National ID Cards? Sure! Deficit spending and lowering tax revenue (Reaganomics)? Sure! Kick Saddam’s ass and take his oil? Sure! Wreck the environment and take away abortion rights? Sure! Piss off the whole world and tell them to fuck off? Sure! Allow N. Korea to arm itself and produce more weapons to sell because we’re too busy with the Bush Family’s Saddam obsession? Sure! All they have to do is holler TERRORISM and the American people abandon all sensibilities and cower in the corner clutching their duct tape. GeeDubya is a sneaky, manipulative little bastard who is using September 11 to its ultimate advantage. Am I the ONLY person in this country full of American Idol watching idiots who sees this?

I mean, come on, people, we’re being suckered! To all of you who are making duct tape and plastic manufacturers come in their pants: YOU ARE STUPID. YOU ARE CATTLE. Do you really think that The Terrorists (capital T’s) give a rat’s ass about your piece of shit home in the ‘burbs? Hell no, they don’t! They’d have to target YOU specifically to expose you to any significant amounts of anything. Dumbasses.

Dubya and his cronies have run rampant over so many things that were right in this country! How the hell is trashing what little environmental controls that we have going to stop The Terrorists? How is taking away our civil liberties going to stop The Terrorists? (I’m sitting here wondering if writing this will get me a visit from the fucking feds! How fucked up is that??) How is taking over Iraq going to stop The Terrorists? Answer: it’s NOT! Wake UP!

It’s marketing and spin. It’s the thing that politicians do best: use the public’s fickle emotions to get what they want. Dubya, et. al. are playing the public like a violin, baby. If you don’t believe that, then you need to learn to read and pay attention. Here are a couple of my favourite quotes from past leaders (you dumb ones will need a dictionary):

“Liberty cannot be preserved without a general knowledge among the people.” — John Adams
“Arbitrary power is most easily established on the ruins of liberty abused to licentiousness.” — George Washington

It’s the classic diversion tactic used for generations by thieves. The easily led public has been diverted by the magic word terrorism. While everyone is running around buying duct tape and plastic and studying How-To videos a là 1960 (Duck and Cover, anyone??), the economy is in the crapper and we’re about 2 inches from a full scale war. But is anyone concerned? Nah, we gotta get home and seal ourselves in so The Terrorists won’t get us. While GeeDubya stirs shit and wreaks havoc, his minions make sure to mention the word terrorist in every statement made to the public to keep that panic level high enough to distract from their lies and manipulations. Dubya has even alluded that he knows more about economics than Greenspan, so everyone should ignore Greenspan and listen to him, because he is just positive that his deficit spending is the way to go. It worked for Uncle Ronnie, didn’t it? Yeah, baby, yeah, what a blast from the past!

He can say anything, anything at all and all he has to do is say TERRORISM after it and no one remembers anything that was said before TERRORISM. It’s like some fucked up hypnotic trance thing. Or brainwashing. Jesus god, thinking about all this is sickening. Day after day I read the paper and it feels like it can’t really be happening. I mean, it’s soooo obviously stupid and Dubya is such a slime and I don’t agree with one iota of any of it, but it’s happening anyway. And the public is eating it up. Dubya’s megalomania and imperialism is staggering, yet no one seems to notice.

Oops, I guess I forgot the magic word. Silly me, no wonder I’m so bothered.