Ah, Spring!

NOT! Gods, I really hate this pollen. The last coupla weeks have been about setting our minds towards our goal of getting out of here. The top reasons:
1. We are sick of the ghetto.
2. We are sick of the South.
3. We need a better artist community.
4. We are desperate for a CHANGE in general.
5. We want better weather, as in, no pollen and less humidity.

There are tons of other reasons, but these are the top 5. That’s all I’m saying right now, but change is in the works. And it can’t come soon enough for me, I can tell you.

Change seems to be the theme of this year. LOTS of shakeups in friends and family situations: divorces, moves, new houses, spawning. Someone is even leaving Nick’s workplace (GASP!!). We feel that all this change in the air is only helping us do what we need to and we hope to garner as much of that energy as we can.

I’m even leaving my long time domain registrar bargainname.com. It’s become a zombie site that is part of Dotster, but even the Dotster employees don’t know about it. All domains are registered with Dotster in the whois, so apparently the site is somehow affiliated. But it’s totally unmanned and that makes me nervous. So as domains expire, I’m moving them to namecheap.com, which is a bit clunky, but definitely NOT a zombie site and has good prices. My hosting company’s pricing is a bit high, so I decided to continue my practice of using a separate registrar. It’s also better to keep your registrar separate so you can change hosts with minimal disruption.

Speaking of domains. What to do when an old client’s domain is up for renewal and you can’t get ahold of him? I’ve emailed the dude for 2 months and I’d intended to let the domain expire, but thanks to ME not turning off goddam autorenew, now he’s got a year of free domain. Harumph. He has not paid his GoDaddy account and the site is not up, but the GoDaddy account is still there. WTF? In any case, that’s $10 I’ll never get back. Dammit.

Our anniversary is right around the corner. We’ve booked at The Iberian Pig, as usual. I tell you, we’ll certainly miss our favourite restaurants and bars. The Porter, in particular, we’ll miss like crazy. We love those guys!!

But, change is good and change we will. We’ve needed it for a long time and have just been too complacent to do anything about it. When Wells Fargo (those asslicking sons of bitches) told us, basically, to fuck right on off when we asked for a refi or something to help us out, that sealed it for us. We can’t keep this place and if we’re gonna move, we’re gonna MOVE, ya feel me? Yah.

We’ve got our two cons coming up. Trek Trax is in a month and Heroes at the end of June. We have not a single thing new to offer as of now and I don’t think we will, period. I’m just not feeling it for the comics right now and I know for a FACT that Nick is not. He’s not drawn or written much of anything in MONTHS. The goal was to have Awkward Ninja Squad launched by now, but it’s not happening. The longer term goal was to have something for the cons – especially HEROES – but I have little hope of that. I think the comics are pretty much dead for the time being. It makes me sad and sucks every last bit of what small amount of creativity I have right out of me, but there it is. I can’t force him to do it. I can’t force a new comic or even the old one. I wish I could, trust me, but that’s not the way it works. :(

And finally, we’ve got to do fucking taxes this coming Monday. Buh. Our regular tax guy has disappeared (he could be dead, he was old and sickly) so we’ve got a new tax guy. It doesn’t really matter to me, we don’t have much to write off anyway with the bankruptcy taking all the cons and stuff with it. We did buy a bunch of equipment at the end of the year, tho, so we’ll get to write that off plus the usual office stuff, etc.

That’s the exciting update. Not much going on to the naked eye, but LOTS happening behind the scenes. We’ll probably be even more difficult to get ahold of from now on, so always use email as your first choice to contact us. I’m busy and I won’t stop what I’m doing to answer the stupid phone. I don’t particularly like FB messaging, either. However, I do like a good game of Draw Something, so feel free to find me there! :)