The Season Finale I Expected

This timeline sucks.

I knew the mouthbreathing hillbillies would win. This country’s history of racism and misogyny is not getting better or going away. Clearly.

I knew that Obama was an anomaly. I also knew that many, MANY male democrats simply could not bear voting for a woman. I wish voting was PUBLIC. Let’s see who you REALLY are, fuckheads.

I’ve been saying for YEARS that the majority of this country consists of uneducated, ignorant people who have no intellect with which to understand even the most basic concepts of government and society, nor to determine what is propaganda and what is not. I have, AGAIN, been proved right.

This is what happens when you have a populace that has been taught nothing of history, has no reading comprehension and can barely write. This is how the fascists WANT IT. Dumb people are easily manipulated. As for the fucking Boomers whose PARENTS fought Nazis to give them the best economy in the history of the US, welp, I guess they are just so narcissistic and self centered they really don’t give a single FUCK about anyone. I do find it amusing that they are voting to take away their own benefits. I will enjoy watching them struggle with no social security benefits or healthcare. I hope they suffer.

I am too old to get out of this fucking garbage country. I am stuck here. The rest of my life will be affected by the shitshow of T**** and V****. When the orange shitgibbon gets tired of ruling, the young Nazi will have a field day. The Supreme Court will be packed with fascists who are there FOR LIFE. (I use * in their names to keep Google AI from pinging this as an article FOR the fascists.)

It’s awesome to know that the REST OF MY LIFE will be dealing with this. The goddam Boomer motherfuckers will DIE soon, but the rest of us are stuck. We will not get rid of the Electoral College. We will have a packed Supreme Court for decades because the terms will not be shortened. Democracy is DONE, my friends. This country is now in the hands of neo-Nazis and Christian Nationalists who cannot wait to put in their sharia laws. (Yes, the word sharia is associated with Muslim law, however, I feel that it can encompass Christian religious rule as well. The Wiki article is long but worth a read since the tenets of it will be in place here soon enough.) IT WILL HAPPEN. IT IS THEIR PLAN.

The Handmaid’s Tale was not intended as a fucking instruction manual, you idiots.

For those of you who are trying to say “oh, just be nice to them, it’ll all be ok”, well you guys can go fuck yourselves. And for those who did not vote or voted third party you can fuck yourselves, too. And let’s not forget the businesses who support companies who funnel millions into far right causes, you can fuck off, too.

Chick Fil A, Home Depot, Hobby Lobby and Uline – which is the LARGEST DONOR OF ALL – dump millions into the far right. THESE COMPANIES SHOULD BE BOYCOTTED. If your business buys regularly from these far right corporations, YOU ARE THE PROBLEM. Especially Uline. Fuck them, use SE Paper or ANYONE else. And check your local vendors to see if THEY use Uline. They probably do, since Uline is the Sysco of paper goods (meaning pretty much a monopoly). I know you can’t just not get the materials you need to do your job, but you can at least TRY to be aware and choose wisely.

Of course, SpaceX is the second largest behind Uline, but we all knew that M*** dumps millions into the right. Remember that every time you see a Tesla. Here are the first nine top donors with red being R and blue D. Notice the first D donor is less than HALF of Uline’s contributions. This is why the right is winning: corporations who pay off the government to avoid taxes. In a word: GREED.

You can see the whole list HERE. If you think that goods and services are higher because of Biden you are an idiot. The pandemic was a great excuse to raise prices to cockbag levels, then your boi T**** made sure that corporations had zero oversight and could keep prices artificially high. Do you think record profits have nothing to do with inflation? If you do, I again call you an idiot. If the populace had enough intellect to understand economics, taxation and oligopolies, perhaps the corporations would not be running things. Alas…

Corporations are all about the right because T**** will eliminate taxes for them while taxing the shit out of the rest of us. We’ve had tax bills the last several years because of the changes the shitgibbon made LAST TIME. It will only get worse. We pay about $150/mo ALL YEAR on our tax bills. And we DO NOT have the money for it. Even with Nick’s new job, we are far from flush. And now it is guaranteed that we will never be flush. Never.

We will work until we die if we are not strung up for being queer first. In some ways, just getting it over with would be a relief. I’m just too old and tired for a civil war.

So, I hope you mouthbreathers are happy. I can’t wait for YOUR social services to be taken away and for YOU to be taxed to the hilt. It will be my pleasure to hear your cries of “no fair!!” when you get exactly what you asked for.
