Heroes Con and Vacay

Heroes Con was excellent this year! They expanded the size and changed the dynamic a bit, but it worked for us. Many of the artists that were there were not having good sales – we think because of the faster flow of people. That, and the floor being twice as big was a bit disorienting for many attendees. I dunno, I think it’s just growing pains and everything will get back to normal next year.

Our con roomies, the Burnses were awesome as always (Harley and Sinestro in the pic below). We got to hang out a bit more this year than last and I got to ogle Miracole’s new Fusion! It’s a very very nice car!

We shared our table with the Coffee Bruin and his posse. I got to see Suzann and Dave a couple of times for a change! Yay!! The art auction had REAL auctioneers this year and it was a riot! I’ve never been to a real auction before and it is SO exciting! Good thing I didn’t have a bidding number or I’d own all the things! Ha! All in all, we had a great time and did well at this con. We <3 Heroes Con. Best comic con on the East Coast in my opinion.
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