Writing this Summer

My blogging has been sparse this summer! Mainly because I’ve been busy with reading, keeping this place going and rebuilding our deck!

Pretty much every weekend has been dedicated to working on the deck for the last 3 months. We are not fast, but we are VERY meticulous! We are 95% done, only the stair rails remain as far as construction. We’ll have to put lattice on the base to completely finish, but we’re taking a break from the deck to pursue other things for at least a month. Probably two. Anyway, here is a shot of where we are – we are SO proud of our hard work!!

If you’d like to see ALL the refurb photos, please to be perusing the Google Drive.

In other news, I’m having a LOT of VSG troubles. I’ve begun throwing up in addition to getting the spits, which is a new development. It’s not often, but I’ve never had the spits for an hour and/or thrown up before. I looked up “throwing up years after VSG” and found that this could be gallbladder issues, which are fairly common. My nails changing into soft, peeling messes coincide with this new tummy issue, so I think I’m also having vitamin/mineral absorption issues as well. Which makes sense, I can only take my vitamins occasionally since they make me nauseous and/or make me throw up. Blood tests are called for. I’ll get them once we have taken care of the Ranger ($1000) and Shasti ($500 blood tests + checkup).

I’m not saying much about politics, other than to say I think the Democrats have lost their damn minds. OF COURSE I’ll vote for Harris, but I am very concerned that many ::cough white men cough:: will not be able to manage a vote for a black woman. OTOH, if we do manage to pull it off, seeing the Orange Shitgibbon lose to a black woman will be SAWEET. At least until the civil wars start. Sigh.

I’m reading the Scalzi Old Man’s War series and enjoying it a lot. Highly recommend!

Enjoy the rest of the summer, y’all. Stay hydrated!