Hingeheads Review

So, someone on Twitter mentioned “hingeheads” the other day. I was curious, so I looked them up. A HingeHead is a little metal sculpture that attaches to your door hinge.

Sounds weird, right? Well it is! And it’s brilliant! What Kai and company have created are little pieces of art that add just a touch of “wow” to the most unsuspected place: door hinges!

I found a typo on their site, so I sent an email informing them and Kai VERY kindly sent me a sample HingeHead for my help. I decided to return the favour with a review of the HingeHead. I don’t review stuff often – other than restaurants – so this is a rare treat for me. :)

Kai sent me a HingeHead I would’ve picked myself: Moon and Star! Looky:

HingeHead in Brass
Moon and Star HingeHead in Brass

This piece is in brass, but they offer several different types of metal including pewter and copper. I have to say, the magnet is VERY strong! I chose to hang mine upside down (yay for the sculpture being either/or!) at the kitchen so I could admire it easily. There are metal holes that used to hold a swinging door – way before we ever got the place – but no door is there now, just the metal hole. You can vaguely see the hole in the pic. Our door hinges are very old and have round balls on top [see pic below], but even on those, the HingeHeads piece held on nicely.

Since there seems to be some confusion, here is a pic of an old ass hinge with the round top that I am not using, but I could if I wish since the strong magnet of the HingeHead will hold:

Old ass hinge
Old ass hinge with round top.

These little sculptures vary in price from $6-15 and they do lots of limited editions. Head on over to HingeHeads and check out the stock. These would be awesome stocking stuffers or little surprise gifts. Love ’em!