Merry Yule, y’all!

2013’s end is upon us and I’m relieved. It’s been a crazy year with lots of plan changing, etc.

For the most part, it’s been a quiet year. We’ve kept our heads down and not interacted much with the world outside our cave. But while it’s appeared to be a nothing year on the outside, it’s been a big year on the inside. We’ve changed our direction yet again and decided to heed the Universe and use our resources here rather than try to get something going elsewhere. Like a sailboat, we tack to get to our destination. :)

Let me explain. We’ve been gearing up to gtfo of GA for a few years. We’ve pulled back from social activities and concentrated on getting ready to go. Nick started looking for jobs in earnest at the beginning of the year. That’s when we realised that there ARE NO JOBS. Anywhere. Just crappy jobs that pay $20k less for twice the work. It was shocking to see the dearth of jobs available. The government squawking about recovery? Yah, that’s a lie.

So, with that sad truth to deal with, we started to rethink our plans. Ok, so if there are no jobs, then we’ll stay here. It helped that an internet buddy faced the same thing and I had someone to talk to! We decided a few months ago that we’d stop pouring energy into a lost cause (moving) and start putting it into moving towards our longterm goals.

Funny how changing your mind really, truly DOES change your reality.

Not long after we’d made the decision to stay, things started to happen. Nick found an arcade game guy and bought his first game (a broken Centipede), I started working a little in a professional kitchen and our world seemed to open up for the first time in a long time.

As with all change, you can’t really choose what’s going to happen when, but you just have to roll with it. So when the Ranger died week before last, we just had to deal. I hopped online and found a replacement within a half hour. The 05 Supercab XLT is still mired in paperwork, but we should have it by the end of this week, working around christmas, of course. Our savings and mad money have been pretty much gutted, but hey, we are buying cash, so it’s worth it. We also get to pay the HUGE tag fees now that GA has changed to a one time FAT fee rather than yearly ad valorem taxes. Ugh. I think I’d rather have the yearly.

The end of 2013 has been with its stresses, but overall it’s been a year of good changes. We approach 2014 with even more changes in store such as trying to take back the house and work on our credit scores. Taking back the house should be an adventure. LOL

We here at the Weasel Lair wish everyone a lovely holiday and a prosperous 2014. Hey, there’s no where to go but UP, right? :)

Moving on!

So, I’ve heard from 3 of the 4 web clients about the hosting and all that. Surprisingly, the ones I figured I’d have to hunt down got in touch with me first! The metal stamp guy is good to go, I’m moving him to GoDaddy (gods, their CP is SHITE). Once he’s moved and I’ve tweaked his site just a bit, I’m outta there. The insulation guy called me a few minutes ago and he’s going to need a bit of help with his stuff, but that’s fine. He’s doing the same thing we are, changing his company name and putting up a new site and I’ll be doing all that for him. The gallery folks have not contacted me yet, and I doubt there’ll be much drama there. They’ll probably move to GoDaddy since they manage their domain there already.

Speaking of domain management, another client uses Network Solutions for their domain just because they always have. I logged in to change the DNS info and had to laugh at this stupid splash screen:
Because you can't TM "website". :-/

Just like the suits at SciFi, I love people who just aren’t comfortable unless they have a â„¢ next to the name. And I’m sure people wrote them saying “Yanno, I just can’t deal with this ‘website’ term! Could you come up with something really stupid and trademarked so I can remember it better?” Riiiight. SciFi changed to Siffy (SyFy) so they could â„¢ the name. Well, apparently the suits at Network Solutions feel that calling a website a “website” just wouldn’t do since it couldn’t be trademarked. STUPID. Which is why I don’t recommend using Network Solutions. They’ve been caught taking domains from people to sell to corporations and they are basically a bunch of SUITS who are not the least bit techie and therefore have no sense of what’s OK and what’s not. I’ll betcha they all have secretaries who print out their emails for them every morning…

I’m pleased with the progress I’m making toward becoming IndigoDragon Studios and I’m happy with how the clients are handling the transition. I hope everything keeps going smoothly!

Now: on to Friday!!

Weasely updates

I’ve been quiet lately because I’ve been busy with some changes we’ve made around Casa Mizgala. Guess I’ll just go down the list, but first, we got tweeted by Dog Eat Doug today. SQUEEE!!! He retweets many comics, but it’s still an honour to get noticed! Here’s the Twitter window:

Dog Eat Doug RT
Dog Eat Doug RT

And here’s a new fan because of DeD’s RT:

New fan: Rhea!
New fan: Rhea!

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