OMFG. Religious Right Strikes Again!

I was just looking at the headlines on this site (right column, currently) and clicked on this:

Teens Experiment w/ Anal Sex, Risk Health
Experts say as social mores ease, more young heterosexuals are trying anal sex.
ABC News Wed, 10 Dec 2008 08:14:52 -0500

Oh? Anal sex is new, is it? Well, it’s good to know I’m on the cutting edge with something!! ::snicker::

And I adore the way this article is totally slanted towards how bad and nasty anal sex is and how you’ll get AIDS and die if you do it. Lovely quote:

“In the Hasbro study, females who had anal sex were more likely to be living with their partners, to have two or more sexual partners and to have previously experienced coerced intercourse. Males who engaged in this behavior were more likely to identify themselves as being homosexual, bisexual or undecided.”

Oh, so anyone who does this is a whore or gay? Rilly? Damn, no BIAS there, eh? And the last line of the article is precious, too:

“But it’s not just rubbing elbows,” she [Kuriansky] said. “Anal sex is a serious public problem.”

It’s articles like this that prove the media is not liberally biased. Just damn. It’s run by old white men and women who tchuck tchuck at all the crazy kids these days. It’s no different than it’s always been. Humans are horny and we’ll put various things in various orifices for fun. It’s been that way as long as we’ve been here and it’s not going away. It’s just that we can talk about it now. It’s even sadder that people read this slanted article and don’t even know it’s slanted. The American populace is so uneducated these days, no one even knows what slant (lack of objectivity) and bias mean. ::sigh::