Angela’s Salsa Verde

I was looking for a recipe somewhere in between a salsa cruda and a cooked salsa verde that you usually see. Roasting the tomatillos and jalapeños hits that balance perfectly. Enjoy!

Angelas Salsa Verde

Angela’s Salsa Verde
about 1.25# tomatillos**, dehusked and rinsed, halved
2 jalapenos, halved and deseeded
1 small white onion, large dice
2-3 cloves garlic, diced
1/4 cup cilantro leaves
1 tsp cumin
zest of one lime
1 tsp of lime juice (about half a lime)
salt to taste

Roast the tomatillos and jalapeños under the broiler until skin is bubbly and there are some blackened spots. You are not going for totally blackened like you would for a roasted red pepper, just some charred spots. Toss all ingredients into a blender with just a couple of Tbl of water to get it going. Whizz until fairly smooth. Check for salt. Chill and serve.

**My tomatillos were so sweet and delicious they did not need sugar, but if yours are still too tart, feel free to add just a little sugar or agave to get the taste you want.

NB: Tomatillos have a LOT of pectin! When I pulled this out of the fridge, it looked like jello! If it doesn’t loosen up enough for you after you stir it, you can add a tish of water to thin it down. Just a heads up!