As everyone knows, my herd of Peeves is legendary. I have many and am always adding to the clan. Well, here is the latest batch of Peeves added to my herd:
1. Tree guys that can’t be bothered to call me back.
2. Bosses that write cryptic emails.
3. Clients who want me to do work until they hear that, OH, I CHARGE FOR THAT. Wankers.
4. People who are friends and know better, but still call me on the cell phone to waste my 25¢ minutes to tell me all about some dumbass chick that I don’t even know nor care to. Very inconsiderate.
5. Uppity Oakhurst land barons who totally dis me and treat me like I’m a complete idiot who couldn’t possibly do something as complex as run a grocery. What an ASSHOLE.
6. Having too many parties all at once when there are 12 months in the goddam year, folks. 12. Let’s spread ’em out a bit next year, ok?
7. Insomnia.
8. Not having all the fucking shopping done yet. I suck.
9. Not having all the shit I do have wrapped. I suck.
10. Did I mention that jerk off Land Baron in Oakhurst? Good.