Two Steps Forward

One step back.

Can’t win for losing.

I am so tired.

Tired of living paycheck to paycheck.

Tired of having to pick and choose who gets medical care (me, Nick, Shasti). I’d LIKE to give my cat every chance to live longer, but I guess that’s OUT since we can’t afford the meds and getting that rotten tooth pulled, which will poison her system. Awesome.

Tired of thinking things are looking up, only to have someone fuck it up.

Tired of dealing with fucking GERD issues. Can’t do a fucking thing about them but get through.

I’ve not had a vacay in over a decade. Not going to get one any time soon, either.

The investment fund is just an auxiliary savings acct. It is pulled from every other month. It will run out. Then what?

My hands keep me from f/t kitchen (hell, even P/T) kitchen work. My narrow skillset makes me unemployable. Awesome.

I feel 100% defeated. As usual.

We will work without a break until we die. No vacay. No nothing, just work.

I am typically maudlin this time of year, but this year is really bad. I doubt I will do much socializing. Don’t be offended if I pass on invites and/or don’t offer them.

I just need time to get through this. Give me space, I’ll be over it soon enough.

DragonCon ’24

I think this is the end of DragonCon for us. This year was TERRIBLE.

We got Saturday passes only, since we just wanted to shop and get a couple of autographs.

WELP. That was a bust. The line to get into the Mart was 2+ hrs. It was doubled up on the sidewalks, wrapped around the building several times AND serpentined through the loading dock.

Needless to say, we did not get in.

We did not get to see our vendor friends that we only get to see at Con. We did not get to shop. We did not get to see our comics and author pals. Nothing.

DragonCon is notorious for overselling. The owner is a money grubbing asshole who does not give a single shit about the con, only the money he makes from it. He does not care about vendors, guests or attendees. If this convention cared, it would not be the dumpster fire that it is. As I’ve stated before, it must be nice to have a business that makes MILLIONS with no staff.

When people complain, the standard con response is “oh, well, we do the best we can!” Right.

Well, people are certainly complaining now. There are several forums/groups that are chock full of vendors, guests and attendees who are vociferously complaining about the shitshow that we witnessed this year. I hear it was the same last year – we skipped, so we were unprepared.

Not only is it unpleasant and unsafe for guests, the vendors that must load-in and -out of this con spend pretty much a whole day just waiting to get into the dock.

It is perfectly clear that putting comics, pop art, vendors and authors all in the same building is not working. This convention needs to spread out these tracks like it used to be, in order to have more access for the attendees. But even with that, this convention needs to have a cap that is not whatever it is now. I’ve heard 80k, and I think that’s about 20k too many people. Every single area was overcrowded.

When the bulk of the con is either walking, standing in 90 degree heat in a line or dodging projectiles thrown by drunk people, that is not much of a con. Panels were pretty much inaccessible as well, with lines wrapping around the hotels. On top of that, the Walk of Fame (that is now run by a third party) has become too pricey for most people. $60 for an autograph from a NOT FAMOUS person outside one show is pretty fucking ridiculous. It was $40 2 yrs ago.

In the Olden Days™ (pre 2010s), the con was bustling and there were crowds, sure, but not like this. Also, we RARELY had fighting, people throwing projectiles from hotel balconies and other such jackassery. In all our years of going, we only saw one blackout drunk guy throw a beer bottle from the second floor of the Hyatt. That’s IT.

This convention refuses to hire security or any other needed staff, which is the main issue. When you cram 80k people together, you fucking need REAL security, not some con slave with a radio. DUH. This seems pretty obvious to me. But staff is not hired because the owner is a money grubbing ASSHOLE (as previously mentioned). Hells bells, they won’t even fund a proper green room for celebrities! They feed them hotdogs and other junk because “there’s no money” for a properly catered room. BULLSHIT. I’d be ashamed to run a multimillion dollar convention and have such a shitty green room!

I am so disappointed in this convention. It used to be our big event of the year. People go now just to stay in their rooms and party. That is NOT why I go to cons! I want to see the panels! I want to shop! I want to be able to afford getting the whole SNW cast to sign our poster. But DragonCon is not interested in doing any of that. I can stay home and party with friends. I don’t need a $500/nt hotel room for that.

So, I guess we’re done. I am really sad about that. But so many of our friends have already stopped attending, it’s not like we see THEM there, anyway. Sigh. I tell you, if they limit ticket sales and fix the logistical issues, we might consider attending again, but I seriously doubt anything will change. What would help is that if you are a vendor/author/artist and are sick of this shit, PLEASE SAY SOMETHING. Go to the groups/forums and BITCH. It might encourage this convention to fix its shit. Other conventions can manage it, why not this one? (Answer: GREED)

Writing this Summer

My blogging has been sparse this summer! Mainly because I’ve been busy with reading, keeping this place going and rebuilding our deck!

Pretty much every weekend has been dedicated to working on the deck for the last 3 months. We are not fast, but we are VERY meticulous! We are 95% done, only the stair rails remain as far as construction. We’ll have to put lattice on the base to completely finish, but we’re taking a break from the deck to pursue other things for at least a month. Probably two. Anyway, here is a shot of where we are – we are SO proud of our hard work!!

If you’d like to see ALL the refurb photos, please to be perusing the Google Drive.

In other news, I’m having a LOT of VSG troubles. I’ve begun throwing up in addition to getting the spits, which is a new development. It’s not often, but I’ve never had the spits for an hour and/or thrown up before. I looked up “throwing up years after VSG” and found that this could be gallbladder issues, which are fairly common. My nails changing into soft, peeling messes coincide with this new tummy issue, so I think I’m also having vitamin/mineral absorption issues as well. Which makes sense, I can only take my vitamins occasionally since they make me nauseous and/or make me throw up. Blood tests are called for. I’ll get them once we have taken care of the Ranger ($1000) and Shasti ($500 blood tests + checkup).

I’m not saying much about politics, other than to say I think the Democrats have lost their damn minds. OF COURSE I’ll vote for Harris, but I am very concerned that many ::cough white men cough:: will not be able to manage a vote for a black woman. OTOH, if we do manage to pull it off, seeing the Orange Shitgibbon lose to a black woman will be SAWEET. At least until the civil wars start. Sigh.

I’m reading the Scalzi Old Man’s War series and enjoying it a lot. Highly recommend!

Enjoy the rest of the summer, y’all. Stay hydrated!

iPhone Photo Format Issues

PSA for iPhone users!! Regarding PHOTOS.

I’ve been harangued by HEIC files of late and we figured out WHY. Apple has instituted “high efficiency” mode for photos both in the camera AND inside messages. Annoying, yes, yes it is.

SO to turn off this HEIC crap, go to the camera settings:
settings -> Camera -> Formats -> change from High Efficiency to Most Compatible. That’ll give you JPGs. See screenshot.
**Please read the description about certain types of photos and video regarding HEIC below the choices.**

ALSO NOTE: this will not stop messages from sending HEIC files. It is a hard wired default now. Because Apple is run by morons. However, if you EMAIL photos, they will be jpgs. GO FIGURE.

If you are sent an HEIC file (that you can’t do SHIT with), PREVIEW now has EXPORT, so you can open in Preview and export as a jpg. This is on a Mac, of course, not your phone.

NOW to turn off that idiotic “Live Photo” (saves THREE low quality images that are shite and take up 3x the space for images you can’t do anything with):

Settings -> Camera -> Preserve Settings -> scroll all the way to the bottom and TURN ON Live Photo. Counterintuitive, as usual with Apple. This PRESERVES your setting of turning that shit OFF inside the camera app, otherwise it will keep turning it back ON.

So, now your photos are jpgs (except in messages) and Live Photo will be turned OFF permanently.

You’re welcome.