Year of the Water Dragon

It certainly is starting off in a soggy, watery kind of way! My year is next year (Snake) and don’t know who of my friends are Dragons. Chime in, you!

This last weekend was not stellar. Actually, it kind of sucked. All the stress and angst over the comics finally came to a head and ended up ruining most of the weekend. The good news is that we worked through it and it’s all OK today. Mostly.

The weather today is gross and rainy, which pushes my housecat buttons. I just want to curl up with the other housecats and NAP. They’ve got the right idea, I tell you!

We started the Shakeology diet thing today. Not a big deal. Wish she’d have sent ScaryBerry rather than the chocolate, but it’s OK. It’s really a VERY good product – just pricey as hell. $100/mo for ONE person. Ugh. We are working for our Shakeology, but I doubt we’ll continue it once the testing of the plan is over. We just canNOT afford $200/mo for that shit. I’ll devise some other protein shake and we’ll go back to our regular vitamins. The Shakeology shakes have pretty much a multivitamin in them, which is nice, but I can do my own supplements for FAR cheaper. Anyway, we are on the plan and I hope it works.

I forgot about this post I started yesterday. So today I shall finish it.

Today’s weather is much better than yesterday so at least there’s that. I woke up feeling a bit creaky today. :/

I’ve got some goldfinches at my feeders. They usually come by this time of year. My large flock of grackles and red winged blackbirds have cleaned out the feeders – again. They eat a lot when it rains, oddly.

I’m getting some work in from Rob, which is great because our digital publisher,, has launched a new programme for multiple platform digital publishing for an amazingly small price per unit. $150 for one pdf? YES PLEASE! We are going to use this to reboot Think Weasel!. If we can get things rolling sufficiently, we might use it for Awkward Ninjas, too. Stay tuned.

Speaking of Think Weasel!, I’m going to redouble my efforts at doing a half way regular newsletter with special deals and such. Like maybe give away collections or sketchcards to the first responder, etc. Perhaps even a contest with a T shirt prize. Dunno. I’m going to try pushing it and actually USING our MailChimp account. For a change.

Ok, that’s it. I got a Darth Jr cat wanting lap. I must comply!