Friday wrap!

Ahh, Friday! Went to lunch with Ms Stormy today – FUN! I’m so glad we got to go out and talk and work shit out. Nothing like sharing family horrors to draw us closer! :-)

I should be working on the online mag, but dammit, now I’ve had beer… Work will not be happening, I’m afraid. Feh.

Today’s Kevin and Kell reminded me of being in Knoxville:

Kevin & Kell Mar 27 09
Kevin & Kell Mar 27 09

Here is a wonderful shot of our boil victims from last week:

Mudbugs say SAVE US!!
Mudbugs say SAVE US!!

One of the crawfish made a break for it – he got about 8 ft from the bag when I found him in the yard! I forgot to grab the camera and take his pic, but when we put him back I clearly heard “ATTICA!!!!!” ;-)

And for your final Friday fun, this is a van we passed on our way to the boil – this is NOT made up!

Mmmm ferrety salsa!
Mmmm ferrety salsa!

I must have some Ferrety Salsa! Go check them out!

Have a great weekend, folks!

5 Replies to “Friday wrap!”

  1. You got the cell phone thing right…fucking things never work here in La La land.

    Thanks for helping me with my diet. Now I don’t have to use the finger!


  2. LOL Pammy you CRACK ME UP! I wish I’d have known your wit back in the day – but I was too busy getting the hell out of there! We WILL go out next time I’m in Nutsville.

    No crawfish for you, I take it? Ha! SUCK THE HEAD!! LOL

    Oh, and the comic was about lack of internet access. Of which there is none at June’s house. I finally got Ricky to get DSL, but that’s over at The Building. My VirginMobile phone gets signal everywhere – even fucking Karns! :-)

  3. Well Verizon sucks big ones. Maybe I’ll try the Virgins next.

    I happened to grow up with a programmer and all around geek. My dad always had to have the latest everything, I think I inherited his genes, but not his wallet. I just now got an HD t.v. and comp mon, that’s about as far behind as I like to be. Poor Ricky…

    I am going to have to stop by and see him soon. He use to come by every now and then, unless he was dating something!

    La Da De La De Da:-)

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